What area in ___ has a high crime rate? |
eeneh loogal eeneen ___ neeyah lengkew kesasawan? |
Ine lugal inin ___ niya’ lengkew kesasawan? |
What area in ___ would you feel uncomfortable entering with your family? |
eeneh loogal eeneen ___ na koompasan noo ga ee hap parasahan noo pa asek dook pameelya noo? |
Ine lugal inin ___ na kumpasan nu ga’e hap parasahan nu pa-asek duk pamilya nu? |
What areas of ___ are considered unsafe for Americans to enter? Why? |
eeneh loogal see ___ eeneen beestahan noo doma een hap see meeleekan pa aseek? wey eh? |
Ine lugal si ___ inin bistahan nu domain hap si Milikan pe-asik? We’e'? |
What organized crime elements exist in ___? |
eeneh nekeplaano sasew elemento peloowas see ___? |
Ine nekeplano sasew elemento pe-luwas si ___? |
What are the most common criminal acts committed in ___? |
eeneh eeneen eeyeh teh ed keek kahan kesasawan heenang sabeel see ___? |
Ine inin iye teed keekkahan kesasawan hinang sabil si ___? |
What illegal substances are available in this area? |
eeneh lang gal sarah gamoot tebak see loogal eeneen? |
Ine langgal sara’ gamut tebak si lugal inin? |
How are the drugs transported into this area? |
koo eeng geh eeneen gamoot beenooo see loogal eeneen? |
Kuingge inin gamut binou si lugal inin? |
Who controls the sale of these drugs? |
seeneh megmahee see beel leehan eeneen mengeh gamoot? |
Sine megmahi si billihan inin menge gamut? |
Is local law enforcement capable of dealing with the current criminal threat? |
eeyeh eeneen beh mengeh beentooooh kepooleesan mekega oos see pegpeoobas dook see koo eetooh kemooseebahan toong gah? |
Iye inin be menge bin tu’u kepulisan mekega-us si pegpe-ubas duk si kuitu’ kemusibahan tungga’? |
If not, what specific areas is local law enforcement unable to control? |
see ga ee, eeneh teh ed loogal eeneen beentooooh kepooleesan eeyeh ga ee teh sagang den? |
Si ga’e, ine teed lugal inin bin tuu kepulisan iye ga’e te sagang den? |