Where and when did you see the unexploded ammunition? |
nong la saa deefaang, saa zengkwaang ku taw koo mm ma paw dzuo koo wa dzuo ya? |
侬勒啥地方、啥辰光看到过呒没爆炸过搿炸药? |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
nong shyaw ta woochee gha ming tsung kaw ku ching vaa? |
侬晓得武器搿名称交口径伐? |
What identifying marks were located on the weapon? |
woochee zaang do yoo saagha sa bey pyaw dzi? |
武器上头有啥搿识别标志? |
Who marked the site? |
saang dee siz saa ning pyaw tsa gha? |
场地是啥人标测搿? |