Stay away from the vehicle. |
lee tsudzi yu yeh tee |
离车子远一点 |
If you advance further, the soldiers will kill you. |
nong dzeh saw shee du dzu yeh tee, sizping chyu yaw sa taa nong laa |
侬再朝前头走一点,士兵就要杀忑侬了 |
If you advance further, you will be apprehended. |
nong dzeh saw shee du dzu, chyu yaw neh nong dzo taa chee laa |
侬再朝前头走,就要拿侬捉得去勒 |
Stay away from the soldiers. |
lee ka tee sizping yu yeh tee |
离葛点士兵远一点 |
If you advance any closer, we will be forced to use deadly force. |
nong dzeh saw shee du dzu yi teeti, aa laa chyo dzeh haw yong dzi ming woo chee laa |
侬再朝前头走一点点,阿拉就只好用致命武器了 |