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Play Button What is the condition of the weapon? Play Button Qurol Qanday aHvolda? Qurol qanday ahvolda?
Play Button Why is the weapon in this condition? Play Button Qurol nima uchun bunday aHvolda? Qurol nima uchun bunday ahvolda?
Play Button Who maintains the weapons? Play Button Qurolni kim saQlaydi? Qurolni kim saqlaydi?
Play Button How do you get replacement parts and weapons? Play Button Qurol va unga tegishli yangi Qismlarni Qayerdan olasiz? Qurol va unga tegishli yangi qismlarni qayerdan olasiz?
Play Button Where are the weapons stored? Play Button Qurolar Qayerda saQlanadi? Qurollar qayerda saqlanadi?
Play Button Is the storage facility guarded? Play Button Qurol ombori QohriQlanadimi? Qurol ombori qo'riqlanadimi?
Play Button How are the weapons transported? Play Button Qurolar Qanday yohl bilan tashiladi? Qurollar qanday yo'l bilan tashiladi?
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