Where and when did you observe the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
siz Qachon va Qayerda yasama portlovchi Qurilmani kohrgansiz? |
Siz qachon va qayerda yasama portlovchi qurilmani ko'rgansiz? |
Who emplaced the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
yasama portlovchi Qurilmani kim ohrnatgan? |
Yasama portlovchi qurilmani (YPQ) kim o'rnatgan? |
How is the improvised explosive device (IED) detonated? |
yasama portlovchi Qurilma Qanday Harakatga keltiriladi? |
Yasama portlovchi qurilma (YPQ) qanday harakatga keltiriladi? |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
portlovchi Qurilmada ohQ dorilarning Qanday turlari ishlatilgan? |
Portlovchi qurilmada o'q-dorilarning qanday turlari ishlatilgan? |
Is this improvised explosive device (IED) located in a vehicle? |
bu yasama portlovchi modalar Qurilmaga ohrnatilganmidi? |
Bu yasama portlovchi moddalar qurilmaga o'rnatilganmidi? |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
bu mashinaning egasi Qayerda? |
Bu mashinaning egasi qayerda? |
Who made the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
yasama portlovchi modani kim tayorlagan? |
Yasama portlovchi moddani (YPQ) kim tayyorlagan? |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) built? |
yasama portlovchi moda Qayerda ohrnatilgan edi? |
Yasama potrlovchi modda (YPQ) qayerda o'rnatilgan edi? |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) stored prior to emplacement? |
yasama portlovchi moda ohrnatilishdan oldin Qayerda saQlangan edi? |
Yasama portlovchi modda (YPQ) o'rnatilishdan oldin qayerda saqlangan edi? |
Is there a second or backup detonator? |
bu yerda ikilamchi yoki Qohshimcha detanatir borma? |
Bu yerda ikkilamchi yoki qo'shimcha detonator bormi? |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
bu yerda yordamchi va QutQaruvchilarga Hujum Qiladigan ikilamchi Qurol bormidi? |
Bu yerda yordamchi va qutqaruvchilarga hujum qiladigan ikkilamchi qurol bormidi? |
Who is the target of this improvised explosive device (IED)? |
bu yasama portlovchi Qurilmaning nishoni kim? |
Bu yasama portlovchi qurilmaning (YPQ) nishoni kim? |
What else can you tell me about the improvised explosive device (IED) or the individuals involved? |
yasama portlovchi Qurilma va unga aloQador shaKhslar HaQida yana nima ayta olasiz? |
Yasama portlovchi qurilma (YPQ) va unga aloqador shaxslar haqida yana nima ayta olasiz? |