What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
Qurolning kalibri va turi Qanday? |
Qurolning kalibri va turi qanday? |
Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? |
bu miltiQ yoki bazuka singari oht ochuvchi Qurolmi? |
Bu miltiq yoki bazuka singari o't ochuvchi qurolmi? |
Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? |
bu minamiyot yoki tohp singari vositali oht ochadigan Qurolmi? |
Bu minomyot yoki to'p singari vositali o't ochadigan qurolmi? |
Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? |
Qurol uch oyoQli tirgovuchga ohrnatilgan edimi? |
Qurol uch oyoqli tirgovuchga o'rnatilgan edimi? |
How many personnel operated this specific weapon? |
Khodimlardan Qanchasi bu Qurolni ishlatgan edi? |
Xodimlardan qanchasi bu qurolni ishlatgan edi? |
Where and when did you see this weapon? |
siz bu Qurolni Qachon va Qayerda kohrgansiz? |
Siz by qurolni qachon va qayeda ko'rgansiz? |
What was the approximate size of the projectile? |
snariyadning taKhmini ohlchami Qanday edi? |
Snaryadning taxminiy o'lchami qanday edi? |
Has the weapon been modified in any way? |
Qurol Qanday bohlsa Ham ohzgariltirilgan edimi? |
Qurol qanday bo'lsa ham o'zgariltirilgan edimi? |
How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy in training) |
ekipaj bu Qurolni Qanchalik muvofaQiytli ishlatgan? |
Ekipaj bu qurolni qanchalik muvaffaqiyatli ishlatgan? |
Was the crew accurate? |
ekipaj durust edimi? |
Ekipaj durust edimi? |
How was the crew trained? |
ekipaj Qanday ohrgatilgan edi? |
Ekipaj qanday o'rgatilgan edi? |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
Qurolda Qanday shartli belgilar bor edi? |
Qurolda qanday shartli belgilar bor edi? |
How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute? |
Qurolning otish tezligi Qanday edi? minutiga neshta ohQ otadi? |
Qurolning otish tezligi qanday edi? Minutiga nechta o'q otadi? |
Did the crew perform barrel changes? |
ekipaj kata ohzgarishlarni bajardimi? |
Ekipaj katta o'zgarishlarni bajardimi? |
Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? |
ohQchilar kamandasida radio yoki durbinlar bor edimi? |
O'qchilar komandasida radio yoki durbinlar bor edimi? |