We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. |
tez yordam olish joylarini aniQlashimiz zarur |
Tez yordam olish joylarni aniqlashimiz zaruz |
Our task is to control route security measures. |
bizning vazifamiz yohnalishning Hafsizlik uchun choralarini kohrmoQ |
Bizning vazifamiz yo'nalishning havsizlik uchun choralarini ko'rmoq |
We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. |
biz kohpriklarni ruKhsat berilgan vaznga Qarab ajratamiz |
Biz ko'priklarni ruxsat berilgan vaznga qarab ajratamiz |
We need areas suitable for short halts. |
bizga voKhtinchalik tohKhtash uchun ajratilgan joylar kerak |
Bizga vaqtinchalik to'xtash uchun ajratilgan joylar kerak |
Where does this road lead to? |
bu yohl Qayerga olib boradi? |
Bu yo'l qaerga olib boradi? |
Which towns does this road run through? |
bu yohl Qaysi shaKharlardan kesib ohtadi? |
Bu yo'l qaysi shaxarlardan kesib o'tadi? |
Is the road paved or unpaved? |
yohl asfaltlanganmi yoki asfaltlanmaganmi? |
Yo'l asfaltlanganmi yoki asfaltlanmaganmi? |
Is there an alternate route? |
bu yerga bu yohldan boshQa yohl borma? |
Bu yerga bu yo'ldan boshqa yo'l bormi? |
Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? |
bu tohsiQni aylanib ohtishning iloji borma? |
Bu to'siqni aylanib o'tishning iloji bormi? |
Are there bridges on this route? |
bu yohlda kohpriklar borma? |
Bu yo'lda ko'priklar bormi? |
Are there overpasses on this route? |
bu yohlda estakadalar borma? |
Bu yo'lda estakadalar bormi? |
Is there construction on this route? |
bu yohlda Qandaydir Qurulish ishlari olib borilayaptimi? |
Bu yo'lda qandaydir qurilish ishlari olib borilayaptimi? |
Are there many potholes in this road? |
bu yohlda unQur chuQurliklar kohpma? |
Bu yo'lda unqur-chugurliklar ko'pmi? |
How wide is the road? |
yohlning kengligi Qanday? |
yo'lning kengligi qanday? |
Are there steep hills on this road? |
bu yohlda baland Qiyalar borma? |
Bu yo'lda baland qiyalar bormi? |
Are there sharp curves on this road? |
bu yohlda Hafli burilishlar borma? |
Bu yo'lda havfli burilishlar bormi? |
Does this route lead through tunnels? |
bu yohl tuneldan ohtadimi? |
Bu yo'l tuneldan o'tadimi? |
Do you know how to read a map? |
siz Kharitadan foydalanishni bilasizma? |
Siz xaritadan foydalanishni bilasizmi? |
Are there enemy units in this area? |
bu atrofda dushman guruHlari borma? |
Bu atrofda dushman guruhlari bormi? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
bu atrofda aHil guruHlar borma? |
Bu atrofda ahil guruhlarbormi? |
Are there wooded areas nearby? |
bu atrofda ohrmonzorlar borma? |
Bu atrofda o'rmonzorlar bormi? |
Are there rivers near this route? |
bu yohlning yaQinida daryolar borma? |
Bu yo'lning yaqinida daryolar bormi? |
How many miles? |
necha mil? |
Necha mil? |
How many kilometers? |
necha kilametr? |
Necha kilomert? |
Are there major highways on this route? |
bu yohl shoKh kohchalarini kesib ohtadimi? |
Bu yol shox ko'chalarini kesib o'tadimi? |
Are any major roads on this route? |
bu yohlda bosh kohchalar uchraydimi? |
Bu yo'lda bosh ko'chalar uchraydimi? |
Is there a railway near this road? |
bu yolning yaQinida temir yohl borma? |
Bu yo'lning yaqinida temir yo'I bormi? |
Are the railway tracks in use? |
temir yohlaridan foydalaniladima? |
Temir yo'llaridan foydalaniladimi? |
Is there a railway crossing? |
bu yohlda temir yohl choraHasi uchraydima? |
Bu yo'lda temir yo'l chorrahasi uchraydimi? |
Are there any busy intersections on this route? |
bu yohlda gavjum choraHalar borma? |
Bu yo'lda qavjum chorrahalar bormi? |
Does this route experience heavy traffic? |
bu yohl juda gavjum bohladimi? |
Bu yo'l juda gavjum bo'ladimi? |
Does this road have curbs? |
bu yohlda bardyurlar borma? |
Bu yo'lda bordyurlar bormi? |
Are there sidewalks lining the road? |
bu kohcha bohylab piyodalar uchun ajratilgan yohl borma? |
Bu ko'cha bo'ylab piyodalar uchun ajratilgan yo'l bormi? |
Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? |
bu yohl piyodalar bilan gavjum bohladimi? |
Bu yo'l piyodalar bilan gavjum bo'ladimi? |
Are there any minefields near this route? |
bu yohl atrofida mina maydonlari borma? |
Bu yo'l atrofida mina maydonlari bormi? |
Are there any landmarks near this route? |
bu yohl yaQinida kohzga tashlanib turadigan abyektlar borma? |
Bu yo'l yaqinida ko'zga tashlanib turadigan obektlar bormi? |
How much weight can the bridge carry? |
kohprik Qanday yukni kohtara oladi? |
Ko'prik qanday yukni ko'tara oladi? |
What material is the bridge made of? |
kohprik Qanday materialdan Qurilgan? |
Ko'prik qanday materialdan qurilgan? |
How wide is the tunnel? |
tunelning kengligi Qanday? |
Tunelning kengligi qanday? |
How high is the tunnel? |
tunelning balandligi Qanday? |
Tunelning balandligi qanday? |
How long is the tunnel? |
tunelning uzunligi Qanday? |
Tunelning uzunligi qanday? |
Is there a checkpoint on this road? |
bu yohlda tekshiruv bohlimi borma? |
Bu yo'lda tekshiruv bo'limi bormi? |
Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? |
bu yohlning askarlar va aftamashinalarning Harakatiga HalaQit beradigan joyi borma? |
Bu yo'lning askarlar va avtomashinalarning harakatiga halaqit beradigan joyi bormi? |
Is a defile being planned on the road? |
bu yohlning bazi Qismlarida Harakat tezligini kamaytirish maQsadida Qanday choralar kohrilayapti? |
Bu yo'lning ba'zi qismlarida harakat tezligini kamaytirish maqsadida qanday choralar ko'rilayapti? |
Is the road blocked? |
yohl tohsib Qohyilganma? |
Yo'l to'sib qo'yilganmi? |
Is the road flooded? |
yohlni suv bosganma? |
Yo'lni suv bosganmi? |
Is the road clear? |
yohl ochiQma? |
Yo'l ochiqmi? |
What is blocking the road? |
yohlda Qanday tohsiQ bor? |
Yo'lda qanday to'siq bor? |
Does this road get flooded often? |
bu yohlni kohpincha suv bosadima? |
Bu yo'lni ko'pincha suv bosadimi? |
Are there checkpoints on the road? |
bu yohlda tekshirish punktlari borma? |
Bu yo'lda tekshirish punktlari bormi? |
Does the road get narrow? |
yohl oldinda torlashadima? |
Yo'l oldinda torlashadimi? |
Are there overhead obstructions on this route? |
bu yohlda aftamashinalarning Harakatiga tohsiQlik Qila oladigan nimalar bor? |
Bu yolda avtomashinalarning harakatiga to'sqinlik qila oladigan nimalar bor? |
What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? |
bu yohlda eng past bohlgan joy Qayerda? |
Bu yo'lda eng past bo'lgan joy qayerda? |
Can you cross the river at this location? |
daryoning mana bu yeridan narigi QirghoQa ohtsa bohladima? |
Daryoning mana bu eridan narigi qirg'oqqa o'tsa bo'ladimi? |
How wide is the river at this crossing point? |
daryoning bu kesib ohtish joyi Qanchalik keng? |
Daryoning bu kesib o'tish joyi qanchalik keng? |
Can the crossing be used by vehicles? |
aftamashinalar bilan kesib ohtsa bohladima? |
Avtomashinalar bilan kesib o'tsa bo'ladimi? |
Is this a fast-moving stream? |
bu tez oQar suvmi? |
Bu tez ogar suvmi? |
How fast is the water in this river? |
bu daryoning suvi Qay darajada tez oQada? |
Bu daryoning sivi qay darajada tez oqadi? |
How deep is this waterway? |
bu suvning chuQurligi Qanday? |
Bu suvning chuqurligi qanday? |
Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? |
yilning shu paytida oQimni kesib ohtsa bohladima? |
Yilning shu paytida oqimni kechib o'tsa bo'ladimi? |
Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? |
yilning shu paytida bu daryo tohsatan toshadima? |
Yilning shu paytida bu daryo to'sattan toshadimi? |
Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? |
daryoning ostida kata toshlar juda kohpma? |
Daryoning ostida katta toshlar juda ko'pmi? |
Are the riverbanks very steep? |
daryo chekalari juda Qiyalimi? |
Daryo chekkalari juda qiyalimi? |
Are there barriers on the riverbank? |
daryo QirghQlarida tohsiQlar borma? |
Daryo qirg'oqlarida to'siqlar bormi? |
Has the roadway eroded? |
yohl emirilganmi? |
Yo'l emirilganmi? |
Is there any snow on this route? |
yohlda Qor borma? |
yo'lda qor bormi? |
Is this route covered with ice? |
bu yohl muz bilan Qoplanganmi? |
Bu yo'l muz bilan qoplanganmi? |
Clear the road. |
yohlni bohshating |
yo'lni bo'shating |
Mark critical points on the map. |
Qaltiz joylarni haritada belgilang |
Qaltiz joylarni haritada belgilang |
Show me on the map. |
menga haritadan kohrsating |
Menga haritadan ko'rsating |