Are there problems with ammunition for the weapons? |
yaraghlar UchUn ok yaragh bilen baghlanishikli problema barmi? |
Ýaraglar üçin ok-ýarag bilen baglanyşykly problema barmy? |
Who buys the ammunition? |
ok yaraghi kim thatin alyar? |
Ok-ýaragy kim satyn alýar? |
Where is the ammunition stored? |
ok yaragh nirede thaklanilyar? |
Ok-ýarag nirede saklanylýar? |
Where is the ammunition bought? |
ok yaragh nireden thatin alinyar? |
Ok-ýarag nireden satyn alynýar? |
How much ammunition is available for each weapon system? |
her bir yaragh sistemathi UchUn naache ok bar? |
Her bir ýarag sistemasy üçin näçe ok bar? |