What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
yaraghyng gErnUshi we kalibri naame? |
Ýaragyň görnüşi we kalibri näme? |
How large was the rifle? |
tUpenging ululighi naache? |
Tüpeňiň ululygy näçe? |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
tUpenging dUrbUthi baardimi? |
Tüpeňiň dürbisi bardymy? |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
tUpenging haythydir bir bEleghi aghachdanmidi? |
Tüpeňiň haýsydyr bir bölegi agaçdanmydy? |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? |
tUpenging eghne deghyan bElUmUni eplaap bolyardimi? |
Tüpeňiň egne degýän bölümini epläp bolýardymy? |
How large was the magazine? |
ok yaragh amarining ululighi nahilidi? |
Ok-ýarag ammarynyň ululygy nähilidi? |
Was other equipment added to the weapon? |
bu yaragha bashgha enjam birikdirilipmidi? |
Bu ýaraga başga enjam birikdirilipmidi? |
What other equipment was near the weapon? |
yaraghyng yaninda bashgha enjam bardimi? |
Ýaragyň ýanynda başga enjam bardymy? |
What was the size of the pistol? |
pistoleding ululighi nahilidi? |
Pistolediň ululygy nähilidi? |
Where was the pistol carried? |
pistolet nirede gEterilyardi? |
Pistolet nirede göterilýärdi? |