What foreigners live in this area? |
shu yerde naahili dashari yurtli adamlar yashayar? |
Şu ýerde nähili daşary ýurtly adamlar ýaşaýar? |
What foreigners have you observed in this area? |
shu yerde naahili dashari yurtli adamlari gErdUngiZ? |
Şu ýerde nähili daşary ýurtly adamlary gördiňiz? |
Where is the exact location of the foreigners' home? |
dashari yurtlilaring Eyi nirede? |
Daşary ýurtlylaryň öýi nirede? |
When was the last time you saw these foreigners? |
shol dashari yurtlilari thongki geZek hachan gErdUngiZ? |
Şol daşary ýurtlylary soňky gezek haçan gördiňiz? |
What country are these individuals from? |
ol adamlar haythi yurtdan? |
Ol adamlar haýsy ýurtdan? |
When did they arrive here? |
olar shu yere hachan geldiler? |
Olar şu ýere haçan geldiler? |
How did they get here? |
olar shu yere naadip geldiler? |
Olar şu ýere nädip geldiler? |
What local people have you observed associating with these foreigners? |
shu dashary yurtlilar bilen gatnashyan yerli adamlari hem gErdUngiZmi? |
Şu daşary ýurtlylar bilen gatnaşýan ýerli adamlary hem gördüňizmi? |
At what places do the foreigners routinely gather or meet? |
shol dashari yurtlilar kEplEnch haythi yerlerde dushushyarlar? |
Şol daşary ýurtlylar köplenç haýsy ýerlerde duşuşýarlar? |
What vehicles do these foreigners drive? |
bu dashari yurtlilar naahili mashin mUnyarler? |
Bu daşary ýurtlylar nähili maşyn münýärler? |
What are their names? |
olaring atlari naame? |
Olaryň atlary näme? |
What group (cell) do they belong to? |
olar haythi topara deghishli? |
Olar haýsy topara degişli? |
Do you know of any plans to attack US facilities? |
amerikan edaralarina choZmak planlari barada maghlumatingiZ barmi? |
Amerikan edaralaryna çozmak planlary barada maglumatyňyz barmy? |
Who will conduct this attack? |
bu hUjUmi kim yerine yetirmekchi? |
Bu hüjümi kim ýerine ýetirmekçi? |
When will this attack take place? |
bu hUjUm hachan bolar? |
Bu hüjüm haçan bolar? |
Where will the attack take place? |
bu hUjUm nirede bolar? |
Bu hüjüm nirede bolar? |
When did you last hear about this attack? |
bu hUjUm barada thongki geZek hachan eshitdingiZ? |
Bu hüjüm barada soňky gezek haçan eşitdiňiz? |
Which group is planning to conduct this attack? |
bu hUjUmi haythi topar yerine yetirjek bolyar? |
Bu hüjümi haýsy topar ýerine ýetirjek bolýar? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-US sentiment? |
shu yerde haythi topar yada shahithlar amerika garshi duryarlar? |
Şu ýerde haýsy topar ýa-da şahyslar amerika garşy durýarlar? |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-host nation sentiment? |
haythi topar yada shahithlar tUrkmenistana garshi duryar? |
Haýsy topar ýada şahyslar Türkmenistana garşy durýar? |