Where and when did you observe the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
feen oo waqtaah shuft il mutfajraat? |
فين أُوََقْتاه شُفْت المُتْفجرات؟ |
Who emplaced the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
ishkoon ilee HaT il mutfajraat? |
إشْكون الي حَطْ المُتْفجرات؟ |
How is the improvised explosive device (IED) detonated? |
keefaash yitfajar il jeehaaz? |
كِفاش يِتْفَجّر الجِهاز؟ |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
ishnoo naw' iTh ThaKheera ilee musta'imla fee il mutfajraat? |
إشْنُو نَوْع الذَخيرة الّي مُسْتَعْمَلَة في المُتْفَجْرات؟ |
Is this improvised explosive device (IED) located in a vehicle? |
jeehaaz il mutfajraat haaTha maHTooT 'al karihba? |
جِهاز المُتْفَجْرات هذَا مَحْطوط على كََرْهَبة؟ |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
feenoo moola il karihba haaThee? |
فينو مولى الكَرْهَبَة هَذِي؟ |
Who made the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
ishkoon liSna' il mutfajraat? |
أشْكون لِصْنَع المُتْفجرات؟ |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) built? |
feen tiSna' jeehaaz il mutfajraat? |
فين تِصْنَع جِهاز المُتْفجرات؟ |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) stored prior to emplacement? |
feen tiKhzan jeehaaz il mutfajraat qibal HaTaano? |
فين تِخْزَن جِهاز المُتْفجرات قَبَلْ حَطّانُه؟ |
Is there a second or backup detonator? |
famaash mutfajraat uKhra wala iHteeyaaTeeya? |
فَمَّاشِ مُتْفَجْرات أخرى ولاّ احْتِياطِيّة؟ |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
famaash jeehaaz mutfajraat aaKhar bish tahjum 'ala irjaal il najda wal is'aaf? |
فَمّاشِ جِهاز مُتْفَجْرات آخَر بشتَهْجَمْ عَلى رَجال النَجْدة وِالإسْعاف؟ |
Who is the target of this improvised explosive device (IED)? |
ishkoon hadaf jeehaaz il mutfajraat haaTha? |
اِشْكون هَدَف جِِهاز المُتْفجرات هَذَا؟ |
What else can you tell me about the improvised explosive device (IED) or the individuals involved? |
ishnoowa aaKhar itnazhim itqul lee 'ala jeehaaz il mutfajraat wala 'ala il ashKhaaS il mitwarTeen? |
شْنُوَ آخَر تَنَجِّم تُقُلّي على جِهاز المُتْفجرات وَلاّ علأشْخاص المُتْوَرْطين؟ |