We are leading a convoy through this area. |
qaa'deen inqoodoo fee qaafla fil minTqa haaThee |
قاعدين نقودو في قافله فِلْمنطقه هَذِي |
We are responsible for the security of the convoy. |
aHna mas-ooleen 'ala salaamat il qaafla |
أحنا مسؤولين على سلامة القافله |
We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. |
laazim infatshoo il kraahib il kul |
لازم نفتشو الكراهب الكل |
We must drive the convoy through this intersection. |
laazim il qaafla tit'ada miroompwaa haaTha |
لازم القافله تتعدّى مِِرُّومبوان هذا |
We are escorting the convoy. |
inraafqoo fil qaafla |
نرافقو فِلْقافله |
We must seek an alternate route. |
laazim infarksoo 'ala ithneeya uKhra |
لازم نفركسو على ثنيّه أخرى |
We will use tanks to detonate mines. |
bash nista'imloo id dabaabaat il tafjeer lalghaam |
باش نستعملو الدبّابات لتفجير الألغام |
Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. |
mumkin il qanaaSa yiDhirboo bil kartoosh il qaafla fil minTqa haaThee |
ممكن القنّاصه يضربو بالكرتوش القافله فِلمنطقه هَذِي |
Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. |
mumkin titizra' madfa'eeya maa heesh mitfajra 'al kayaas |
ممكن تتزرع مدفعيّه ما هيش متفجره علكيّاس |
The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. |
il qaafla bash itkamil iThaa iqDheena 'al kameen |
القافله باش تكمّل إذا قِضِينا عالكمين |
Is there a bridge to cross the river? |
fama qanTra inshiqoo beeha il waad? |
فمّه قنطره نشقو بيها الواد؟ |
Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? |
il qanTra tistaHmil il ikmaayin il ikbeera? |
القنطره تستحمل الكماين الكبيره؟ |
Does this road lead through any towns? |
il kayaas haaTha yit'ada 'ala mudun? |
الكيّاس هذا يتعدّى على مدن؟ |
Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? |
il kayaas haaTha yit'ada 'ala manaaTiq feeha barsha itraafeek? |
الكيّاس هذا يتعدّى على مناطق فيها برشه ترافيك؟ |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
fama wiHdaat baahya fil minTqa haaThee? |
فمّه وحدات باهيه فِلْمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
Was enemy activity reported in this area? |
fama iKhbar 'ala taHarukaat il 'adoo fil minTqa haaThee? |
فمه خبر على تحرّكات العدو فِلْمنطقه هَذِي؟ |
Are there checkpoints on this road? |
fama maraakiz tafteesh 'alkayaas haaTha? |
فمّه مراكز تفتيش علكيّاس هذا؟ |
Is there a site to refuel? |
fama ween in'aawdoo inSiboo leesons? |
فمّه وين نعاودو نصبُّو ليسانس؟ |
Are there areas to take cover? |
fama ween nitKhabaaw? |
فمّه وين نِتخبّاو؟ |
We need assistance. |
Haajitna ibmusaa'da |
حاجتنا بمساعده |