We will process enemy prisoners of war (EPWs). |
bash inqoomoo bil ijraa-aat ma'a asra il Harb |
باش نقومو بالاجراءات مع أسرى الحرب |
MPs will repatriate enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) later. |
ish shurTa il 'askareeya bash tab'ath asra il Harb wil asra il madaneeyeen fee waqit laaHiq |
الشرطة العسكريّه باش تبعث أسرى الحرب والأسرى المدنيين في وقت لاحق |
We will handle all enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) according to the provisions of the Geneva Convention. |
bash in'aamloo asra il Harb wil asra il madaneeyeen Hasib qawaaneen mu'aahadat jeneyv |
باش نعاملو أسرى الحرب والأسرى المدنيين حسب قوانين معاهدة جنيف |
First aid will be provided for all wounded. |
il is'aafaat il awaleeya bash titwafar lil imjaareeH |
الإسعافات الأوليّة باش تتوفر للمجاريح |
We will protect all enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) against ill treatment. |
bash niHmeeyoo asra il Harb wil asra il madaneeyeen min ay mu'aamlaat Khaayba |
باش نحميو أسرى الحرب والأسرى المدنيين من أي معاملات خايبه |
All enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) and civilians internees (CIs) will be searched and tagged. |
kul asra il Harb wil asra il madaneeyeen bash yitfatshoo wu yaaKhThoo baaj |
كل أسرى الحرب والأسرى المدنيين باش يتفتشو وياخذو باج |
We will safeguard your money and valuables. |
ifloosik waHwaayjik fil HifDh wiS Soon |
فلوسك وحوايجك فلحفظ والصّون |
We will give you a receipt for your money and valuables. |
bash na'Took resoo imtaa' ifloosik waHwaayjik |
باش نعطوك رِسُ متاع فلوسك وحوايجك |
Money and valuables will be returned to you. |
il lifloos wil iHwaayij bash yirj'oolik |
الفلوس والحوايج باش يرجعولك |
We will lead you to an enclosed area. |
bash inhizook liblaaSa imsakra |
باش نهزّوك لبلاصه مسكره |
You are allowed to dig foxholes. |
masmooHlik bash itHafir Khandaq |
مسموحلك باش تحفر خندق |
You are allowed to dig holes in the ground to help shelter you. |
masmooHlik bash itHafir Hufra titKhaba feeha |
مسموحلك باش تحفر حُفره تتخبّى فيها |
We have to question you. |
laazim inHaqeeqoo im'aak |
لازم نحققّو معاك |
Somebody will question you now. |
fama waaHid bash yiHaqaq im'aak tawa |
فمّه واحد باش يحقق معاك توّه |
You will be taken to another location. |
bash yihizook liblaaSa uKhra |
باش يهزّوك لبلاصه أخرى |
What is your unit? |
ishnoowa il waHda imtaa'ik? |
شنوّه الوحده متاعك؟ |
Do you have any information for us? |
'indaksh ma'loomaat leena? |
عندكش معلومات لينا؟ |
Where is your unit? |
ween il waHda imtaa'ik? |
وين الوِحده متاعك؟ |
Provide shelter to protect enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) from the elements. |
wafir malja ilHeemaayit asra il Harb min iT Taqis |
وفّر ملجأ لحِماية أسرى الحرب من الطقس |
All male enemy prisoners of war (EPWs) will be moved to another location. |
asra il Harb irjaal bash yimsheeyoo liblaaSa uKhra |
أسرى الحرب الرجال باش يمشِيو لبلاصه أخرى |