We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. |
laazim nalqaaw iblaayiS mumkin nitHaSloo feeha 'ala musaa'da |
لازم نلقاو بلايص ممكن نتحصلو فيها على مساعده |
Our task is to control route security measures. |
muhimitna heeya bash inraaqboo salaamat iT Turuqaat |
مُهمتنا هي باش نراقبو سلامة الطرقات |
We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. |
bash inqoomoo ibtaSneef liqnaaTir Hasib il wazin il masmooH beeh |
باش نقومو بتصنيف القناطر حسب الوزن المسموح بيه |
We need areas suitable for short halts. |
niHtaajoo iblaayiS laayqa bash ni'imloo feeha waqfaat iSghaar |
نحتاجو بلايص لايقه باش نعملو فيها وقفات صغار |
Where does this road lead to? |
ween yihiz il kayaas haaTha? |
وين يهز الكيّاس هذا؟ |
Which towns does this road run through? |
ishnoowa il mudun ilee yit'ada feeha il kayaas haaTha? |
شنوّه المدن اللي يتعدّى فيها الكيّاس هذا؟ |
Is the road paved or unpaved? |
il kayaas imzafat wala laa? |
الكيّاس مزفّت ولاّ لا؟ |
Is there an alternate route? |
famaash ithneeya uKhra? |
فمّاش ثنيّه أخرى؟ |
Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? |
famaash Hal lil mushikla haaThee? |
فمّاش حل للمشكله هَذِي؟ |
Are there bridges on this route? |
fama iqnaaTir fithneeya haaThee? |
فمّه قناطر في الثنيّه هَذِي؟ |
Are there overpasses on this route? |
famaash im'aabir uKhra 'athneeya haaThee? |
فمّاش معابر أخرى عالثنيّه هَذِي؟ |
Is there construction on this route? |
fama imrama 'athneeya haaThee? |
فمّه مرمّه عالثنيّه هَذِي؟ |
Are there many potholes in this road? |
fama barsha iHfur fee il kayaas haaTha? |
فمّه برشه حفر في الكيّاس هذا؟ |
How wide is the road? |
ishnoowa kubur il kayaas? |
شنوه كبر الكيّاس؟ |
Are there steep hills on this road? |
fama ihbaaTee wiS'aadee 'alkayaas haaTha? |
فمّه هباطي وصعادي علكيّاس هذا؟ |
Are there sharp curves on this road? |
fama mun'arajaat iKhTeera fil kayaas haaTha? |
فمّه منعرجات خطيره فِلكيّاس هذا؟ |
Does this route lead through tunnels? |
il kayaas haaTha yit'ada 'ala anfaaq? |
الكيّاس هذا يتعدّى على أنفاق؟ |
Do you know how to read a map? |
ti'rif keefaash taqra il KhareeTa? |
تعرف كيفاش تقرى الخريطه؟ |
Are there enemy units in this area? |
fama wiHdaat il 'adoo fil minTqa haaThee? |
فمّه وحَدات العدو فِلْمِنطقه هَذِي؟ |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
fama wiHdaat baahya fil minTqa haaThee? |
فمّه وحدات باهيه فِلْمِنطقه هَذِي؟ |
Are any major roads on this route? |
fama Turuq ra-eeseeya il qidaam? |
فمّه طرق رئيسيّه لقدّام؟ |
Is there a railway near this road? |
fama sika imtaa' itraa qareeba milkayaas haaTha? |
فمّه سكه متاع اِتران قريبه ملكيّاس هذا؟ |
Are the railway tracks in use? |
is sika haaThee musta'imla? |
السكّه هَذِي مستعمله؟ |
Is there a railway crossing? |
fama sika tit'ada 'al kayaas? |
فمّه سكه تتعدّى علكيّاس؟ |
Are there any busy intersections on this route? |
fama intirsakseeyo 'aTreeq haaTha? |
فمّه أنترسكسيون عطّريق هذا؟ |
Does this route experience heavy traffic? |
fama barsha itraafeek 'aTreeq haaTha? |
فمّه برشه ترافيك عطّريق هذا؟ |
Does this road have curbs? |
fama mun'arajaat fil kayaas haaTha? |
فمّه منعرجات فِلكيّاس هذا؟ |
Are there sidewalks lining the road? |
fama maada 'ala Haashyit il kayaas? |
فمّه مادّه على حاشية الكيّاس؟ |
Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? |
fama barsha mitrajleen yista'imloo iTreeq? |
فمّه برشه مترجلين يستعملو الطريق؟ |
Are there any minefields near this route? |
fama iHqool alghaam qareeba milkayaas haaTha? |
فمّه حقول ألغام قريبه ملكيّاس هذا؟ |
How long is the tunnel? |
ishnoowa Tool in nafaq? |
شنوّه طول النفق؟ |
Is there a checkpoint on this road? |
fama markaz tafteesh 'alkayaas haaTha? |
فمّه مركز تفتيش علكيّاس هذا؟ |
Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? |
famaash mamaraat Dhayqa (mumkin it'aTil il quwaat wil karaahib) 'al kayaas haaTha? |
فمّاش ممرّات ضيّقه (ممكن تعطّل القوّات والكراهب) علكيّاس هذا؟ |
Is a defile being planned on the road? |
fama mashroo' binaa mamar Dhayiq fil kayaas? |
فمّه مشروع بناء ممر ضيّق فلكيّاس؟ |
Is the road blocked? |
iTreeq imsakar? |
الطريق مسكّر؟ |
Does the road get narrow? |
yiDhyaaq iTreeq? |
يِضْياق الطريق؟ |
Are there overhead obstructions on this route? |
fama Hawaajiz 'aTreeq haaTha? |
فمّه حواجز عطريق هذا؟ |
What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? |
ishnoowa aqSar maKhraj raasee 'aTreeq haaTha? |
شنوه أقصر مخرج رأسي عطريق هذا؟ |
Can you cross the river at this location? |
itnazhim itshuq il waad min ihna? |
تنجّم تشق الواد من هنا؟ |
How wide is the river at this crossing point? |
ishnoowa 'urDh il waad 'ala il ma'bar haaTha? |
شنوّه عُرض الواد على المعبر هذا؟ |
Can the crossing be used by vehicles? |
mumkin il kraahib tista'mil il ma'bar? |
ممكن الكراهب تستعمل المعبر؟ |
Is this a fast-moving stream? |
haaTha tayaar qwee? |
هذا تيّار قوي؟ |
How fast is the water in this river? |
ishnoowa veetaas il maa fil w aad? |
شنوّه فيتاس الماء فِلْواد؟ |
How deep is this waterway? |
ishnoowa ghurq il maa? |
شنوّه غُرق الماء؟ |
Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? |
mumkin inshuqoo il waad il ayaamaat? |
ممكن نشقو الواد الأيّامات؟ |
Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? |
yifeeDhish il waad il ayaamaat? |
يفيضش الواد الأيّامات؟ |
Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? |
fama iHjar ikbeer fee qaa' il waad? |
فمّه حجر كبير في قاع الواد؟ |
Are the riverbanks very steep? |
Haashyit il waad ghaarqa? |
حاشية الواد غارقه؟ |
Are there barriers on the riverbank? |
fama baryaar 'ala Haashyit il waad? |
فمّه بريار على حاشية الواد؟ |
Has the roadway eroded? |
Saarish injiraaf fil kayaas? |
صارش إنجراف فِل كيّاس؟ |