This road block (RB) is to limit access to this road. |
il Haajiz ma'mool bash maa yit'ada Had milkayaas haaTha |
الحاجز معمول باش ما يتعدّى حد ملكيّاس هذا |
This road block (RB) is to close access to this road. |
il Haajiz ma'mool bash yisakir il kayaas haaTha |
الحاجز معمول باش يسكّر الكيّاس هذا |
These road blocks (RBs) and control points (CPs) will ensure only authorized use of this main supply route (MSR). |
il Hawaajiz wu maraakiz il muraaqba haaThee ma'moola lil jeehaat il imraKhSa bash tista'mil iTreeq il imdaad ir ra-eesee |
الحواجز ومراكز المراقبه هَذِي معموله للجهات المرخّصه باش تستعمل طريق الامداد الرئيسي |
These road blocks (RBs) and control points (CPs) will ensure that convoys move on schedule. |
il Hawaajiz wu maraakiz il muraaqba haaThee ma'moola bash il qaafla tit'ada fil waqt |
الحواجز ومراكز المراقبه هَذِي معموله باش القافله تتعدّى فِلوقت |
The position of road blocks (RBs)/control points (CPs) will change constantly. |
iblaaSit il Hawaajiz wu maraakiz il muraaqba bash titghayar bistimraar |
بلاصة الحواجز ومراكز المراقبه باش تتغيّر بِستمرار |
In a single team operation one member will stop and direct traffic. |
fee Haalat fareeq waaHid yiqoom ib'amaleeya, shaKhiS waaHid bash yiwajih itraafeek |
في حالة فريق واحد يقوم بِعمليّه، شخص واحد باش يوجّه الترافيك |
We don't allow anyone to pass without a proper ID. |
Hata Had maa yit'ada iblaash biTaaqit ta'reef |
حتّى حد ما يتعدّى بلاش بِطاقة تعريف |
What is your cargo? |
ishnoowa la'baaya imtaa'ik? |
شنوّه العبايه متاعك؟ |
Where are your cargo documents? |
ween awraaq la'baaya imtaa'ik? |
وين أوراق العبايه متاعك؟ |
Where does your cargo originate from? |
imneen jaaya la'baaya imtaa'ik? |
منين جايه العبايه متاعك؟ |
Where did you pick up your cargo? |
ween 'abeet la'baaya imtaa'ik? |
وين عبّيت العبايه متاعك؟ |
What is your destination? |
feen qaaSid rabee? |
فين قاصد ربّى؟ |
We will prevent actions that would aid the enemy. |
maa naash bash ni'imloo Hata shey yi'aawin il 'adoo |
ما ناش باش نعملو حتّى شيْ يعاون العدو |
We will inspect cargo when instructed to do so. |
bash infatshoo la'baaya iThaa ilzam |
باش نفتّشو العباية إذا لزم |
We will stop locals from supplying the enemy. |
bash nimni'oo in naas min tazweed il 'adoo |
باش نمنعو النّاس من تزويد العدو |
We are here to stop black market operations. |
aHna ihna bash inwaqfoo 'amaleeyaat il marshey inwaar |
أحنا هنا باش نوقفو عمليّات المرشي نوار |
We will establish an area for searching vehicles. |
bash ni'imloo iblaaSa il tafteesh likraahib |
باش نعملو بلاصه لتفتيش الكراهب |
We have vehicles ready to pursue those avoiding the road blocks (RBs). |
'indna kraahib HaaDhra bash it taba' il haarbeen min il Hawaajiz |
عندنا كراهب حاضره باش إتّبع الهاربين من الحواجز |
We must prepare defensive positions. |
laazim inHaDhroo mawaaqi' difaa'eeya |
لازم نحضّرو مواقع دِفاعيّه |
We will block roadway shoulders and ditches around road blocks (RBs). |
bash insakroo Haashyit il kayaasaat wil fooseeyaat id daayra bil Hawaajiz |
باش نسكرو حاشية الكيّاسات والفوسيّات الدايره بِلْحواجز |