What foreigners live in this area? |
ishkoon lajaanib ilee yi'eeshoo fil minTqa? |
شكون لَجَانب إلّي يعيشوا فِلمنطقه؟ |
What foreigners have you observed in this area? |
ishkoon lajaanib ilee shuft-hum fil minTqa? |
شكون لَجَانب إلّي شُفتهم فِلمنطقه؟ |
Where is the exact location of the foreigners' home? |
ween biDh DhabT daar lajaanib? |
وين بِظّبط دار لجانب؟ |
When was the last time you saw these foreigners? |
waqtaash aaKhir mara shuft feeha lajaanib? |
وقتاش آخر مرّه شُفت فيها لجانب؟ |
What country are these individuals from? |
maana iblaad in naas haaThooma? |
مانا بلاد الناس هاذُمَ؟ |
When did they arrive here? |
waqtaash jaaw ihna? |
وقتاش جاو هنا؟ |
How did they get here? |
keefaash wuSloo ihna? |
كيفاش وُصلو هنا؟ |
What local people have you observed associating with these foreigners? |
ishkoon mis sukaan il maHaleeyeen shuft-hum yiKhaalToo fee lajaanib haaThooma? |
شكون مسّكّان المحلّيين شفتهم يخالطو فى لجانب هاذم؟ |
At what places do the foreigners routinely gather or meet? |
ishnoowa liblaaSa ilee deema yitqaabloo feeha lajaanib? |
شنوّه البلاصه إلّى ديما يتقابلو فيها لجانب؟ |
What vehicles do these foreigners drive? |
ishnoowa naw' il karihba ilee yisooqoo feeha lajaanib haaThooma? |
شنوّه نوع الكرهبه الّى يسوقو فيها لجانب هاذم؟ |
What are their names? |
ishnoowa asaameehum? |
شنوّه أساميهم؟ |
What group (cell) do they belong to? |
laana majmoo'a taab'een? |
لانا مجموعه تابعين؟ |
Do you know of any plans to attack US facilities? |
ta'rifsh Haaja 'ala taKhTeeT il hujoom 'ala munsha-aat amreekeeya? |
تعرفش حاجة على تخطيط لهجوم على منشآت أمريكيّه؟ |
Who will conduct this attack? |
ishkoon bish yinafiTh il hujoom haaTha? |
شكون باش ينفّذ الهجوم هذا؟ |
When will this attack take place? |
waqtaash bash yooqa' il hujoom haaTha? |
وقتاش باش يوقع الهجوم هذا؟ |
Where will the attack take place? |
ween bash yooqa' il hujoom haaTha? |
وين باش يوقع الهجوم هذا؟ |
When did you last hear about this attack? |
waqtaash a'limt bil hujoom haaTha? |
وقتاش علمت بِلهجوم هذا؟ |
Which group is planning to conduct this attack? |
anaa majmoo'a qaa'da itKhaTiT lil hujoom haaTha? |
أنا مجموعه قاعده تخطّط للهجوم هذا؟ |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-US sentiment? |
anaa ijmaa'a wala afraad fil minTqa haaThee Dhid lamreekaan? |
أنا جماعه ولاّ أفراد فِلمنطقه هَذِي ضد لمريكان؟ |
What groups or individuals in this area express anti-host nation sentiment? |
anaa ijmaa'a wala afraad fil minTqa haaThee Dhid il blaad il muDhayif? |
أنا جماعه ولاّ أفراد فِلمنطقه هَذِي ضد البلد المضيف؟ |