What is the condition of the weapon? |
ezi mes-sarya kemey ey-yu kunetatu? |
እዚ መሳርያ ፡ ከመይ እዩ ኵነታቱ? |
Why is the weapon in this condition? |
ezi mes-sarya selemintay-yu kend-zi tebalashi-yu? |
እዚ መሳርያ ፡ ስለምንታይ'ዩ ክንድ'ዚ ተበላሽዩ? |
Who maintains the weapons? |
neti mes-sarya men-yu zitsegino? |
ነቲ መሳርያታት መን'ዩ ዝጽግኖ? |
How do you get replacement parts and weapons? |
teleb Qeyaren mulu-e mes-saryan bey-yenay ag-gabab titiku-uw-wo? |
ጠለብ ቅያርን ምሉእ መሳርያን፡ በየናይ ኣገባብ ትትክኡዎ? |
Where are the weapons stored? |
eti mes-sarya abey ey-yu ziKhez-zen? |
እቲ መሳርያ ኣበይ እዩ ዝኽዘን? |