Where and when did you observe the missile? |
ezi misayil abeyin me'asen re-iKhay-yo? |
እዚ ሚሳይል ኣበይን መዓስን ርኢኻዮ? |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
semen 'aQenen nayti mes-sarya entay ey-yu? |
ስምን ዓቐንን ናይቲ መሳርያ እንታይ እዩ? |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
eti mes-sarya entay 'aynet meleleyi melk-ketat al-lew-wo? |
እቲ መሳርያ ፡እንታይ ዓይነት መለለዪ ምልክታት ኣለዎ? |
What types of sights were mounted on the weapon? |
ab le'li-ti mes-sarya entay 'aynet menetsirat teteKhilu neyru? |
ኣብ ልዕሊ'ቲ መሳርያ እንታይ ዓይነት መነጽራት ተተኺሉ ነይሩ? |
Was the weapon wire-guided? |
eti mes-sarya bi-mer-raKhebi zim-melaKhet diyu? |
እቲ መሳርያ ብመራኸቢ ዝመላኸት ድዩ? |