We are leading a convoy through this area. |
bezi kebabi ziHal-lef 'eJ-jeba megwa'azya asenina kin-keyid ina. |
በዚ ከባቢ ዝሓልፍ ዕጀባ መጓዓዝያ ኣሰኒና ክንከይድ ኣለና። |
We are responsible for the security of the convoy. |
deHnet 'eJ-jeba Halafnetna ey-yu. |
ድሕነት'ቲ ዕጀባ፡ ሓላፍነትና እዩ። |
We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. |
ab nefsi wek-kef megwa'azya kwelela diHnet kinekayid yigba-e. |
ኣብ ነፍሲ ወከፍ መጓዓዝያ፡ኰለላ ድሕነት ክነካይድ ይግባእ። |
We must drive the convoy through this intersection. |
neti 'eJ-jeba bezi Qer-rana-zi keneHlifo ina. |
ነቲ ዕጀባ በዚ ቀራና'ዚ ክነሕልፎ ኢና። |
We are escorting the convoy. |
neti 'eJ-jeba nesen-ni al-lena. |
ነቲ ዕጀባ ነሰኒ ኣለና። |
We must seek an alternate route. |
meteka-e-ta meHlefi mesmer kindel-li ina. |
መተካእታ፡ መሕለፊ መስመር ክንደሊ ኣለና። |
We will use tanks to detonate mines. |
netagwi ni-mintagw tankitat kin-tiQ-Qem ina. |
ነታጒ ንምንታጕ፡ ታንክታት ክንጥቀም ኢና። |
Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. |
abzi kebabi nab 'eJ-jeba zi-tikusu zezgebu sebat kitsenHu yiKh-e-lu ey-yom. |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ፡ ናብ ዕጀባ ዝትኵሱ፡ ዘዝገቡ ሰባት ክጸንሑ ይኽእሉ እዮም። |
Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. |
ab menged-di zey-tebare-'u tetekwesti teQebirom kiheluwu yiKh-e-lu ey-yom. |
ኣብ መንገዲ፡ ዘይተባርዑ ተተኰስቲ ተቐቢሮም ክህልዉ ይኽእሉ እዮም ። |
The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. |
ezi 'eJ-jeba, eti dibya mis temek-kete gu'zo-u kiQetsil ey-yu. |
እዚ ዕጀባ፡ እቲ ድብያ ምስ ተመከተ፡ ጕዕዞኡ ክቕጽል እዩ። |
Is there a bridge to cross the river? |
ezi ruba mes-sageri dildil-do al-lewo? |
እዚ ሩባ መሳገሪ ድልድልዶ ኣለዎ? |
Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? |
ezi dildil keb-bedti megwa'azya yitsawer-do? |
እዚ ድልድል ከበድቲ መጓዓዝያ ይጻወርዶ? |
Does this road lead through any towns? |
ezi menged-di bi-Khetematat yiHal-lef-do? |
እዚ መንገዲ ብኸተማታት ይሓልፍዶ? |
Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? |
ezi menged-di bertu' metHelilaf zire-eyel-lu kebabitat al-lewo-do? |
እዚ መንገዲ፡ ብርቱዕ ምትሕልላፍ ዝረአየሉ ከባቢታት ኣለዎዶ? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
ezi kebabi deg-geftina ba-e-tatat yirkebuwo-do? |
እዚ ከባቢ ደገፍቲና ባእታት ይርከቡዎዶ? |
Was enemy activity reported in this area? |
abzi kebabi nay tsela-i nitfetat tera-e-yu-do yifel-let? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ ናይ ጸላኢ ንጥፈታት ተራእዩዶ ይፈልጥ? |
Are there checkpoints on this road? |
abzi gwedena-zi neQutatat teftish al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ ጐደና'ዚ ነቚጣታት ተፍትሽ ኣሎዶ? |
Is there a site to refuel? |
nedadi zimle-el-lu sefer yirik-keb-do? |
ነዳዲ ዝምልአሉ ሰፈር ይርከብዶ? |
Are there areas to take cover? |
meKhew-weli botatat al-lo-do? |
መኸወሊ፡ ቦታታት ኣሎዶ? |
We need assistance. |
Hagez yedliyen-na. |
ሓገዝ የድልየና። |