We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. |
hetsuts redi-et en-ni-reKhbel-lu botatat alelina kintsen-neH al-len-na. |
ህጹጽ ረዲኤት እንረኽበሉ ቦታታት ኣለሊና ክንጸንሕ ኣለና። |
Our task is to control route security measures. |
'emamna, mik-ketital Qets-salinet mesmer-teQ-Qes wus-sanyetat ey-yu. |
ዕማምና፡ምክትታል ቀጻሊነት መስመር-ጠቀስ ውሳኔታት እዩ። |
We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. |
nidildilat kekem 'aQmi kibdetom kinwug-ginom ina. |
ንድልድላት፡ ከከም ዓቕሚ ክብደቶም ክንውግኖም ኢና። |
We need areas suitable for short halts. |
niHatsir gizye med-denagweyi ziteQmu botatat kinHar-ri al-len-na. |
ንሓጺር ጊዜ መደናጐዪ ዝጠቕሙ ቦታታት ክንሓሪ ኣለና። |
Where does this road lead to? |
ezi menged-di nabey yiwes-sed? |
እዚ መንገዲ ናበይ ይወስድ? |
Which towns does this road run through? |
ezi gwedena beyenot ketematat yiHal-lef? |
እዚ ጐደና በየኖት ከተማታት ይሓልፍ? |
Is the road paved or unpaved? |
eti menged-di zi-temedmede diyu weyis zey-temedmede? |
እቲ መንገዲ ዝተመድመደ ድዩ ወይስ ዘይተመድመደ? |
Is there an alternate route? |
kal-e meHlefi menged-di al-lo-do? |
ካልእ መሕለፊ መንገዲ ኣሎዶ? |
Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? |
ezi 'enQfat-zi zisgerel-lu kal-e bilHat al-lo-do? |
እዚ ዕንቅፋት'ዚ ዝስገረሉ ካልእ ብልሓት ኣሎዶ? |
Are there bridges on this route? |
abzi mesmer-zi deldelat al-lewu-do? |
ኣብዚ መስመር'ዚ፡ ድልድላት ኣለዉዶ? |
Are there overpasses on this route? |
abzi mesmer-zi nay la'li met-teHalalefitat al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ መስመር'ዚ፡ ናይ ላዕሊ መተሓላለፊታት ኣሎዶ? |
Is there construction on this route? |
abzi mesmer nitfetat hentset al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ መስመር፡ንጥፈታት ህንጸት ኣሎዶ? |
Are there many potholes in this road? |
ezi gwedena gwedagudi yibezHo-do? |
እዚ ጐደና ጐዳጕዲ ይበዝሖዶ? |
How wide is the road? |
eti gwedena sefHatu kesab kendey ey-yu? |
እቲ ጐደና ስፍሓቱ ክሳብ ክንደይ እዩ? |
Are there steep hills on this road? |
abzi gwedena tsedaf kurbatat-do al-lo? |
ኣብዚ ጐደና፡ ጸዳፍ ኵርባታትዶ ኣሎ? |
Are there sharp curves on this road? |
abzi gwedena tsenkurat metewawiyotat al-lewu-do? |
ኣብዚ ጐደና፡ ጽንኩራት መጠዋውዮታት ኣለዉዶ? |
Does this route lead through tunnels? |
ezi mesmer bi-weshti meryet zeHel-lef al-lewo-do? |
እዚ መስመር፡ ብውሽጢ መሬት ዘሕልፍ ኣለዎዶ? |
Do you know how to read a map? |
karta mit-tQam tiKh-el-do? |
ካርታ ምጥቃም ትኽእልዶ? |
Are there enemy units in this area? |
ezi bota ahadutat tsela-i yirkebuwo-do? |
እዚ ቦታ ኣሃዱታት ጸላኢ ይርከቡዎዶ? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
ezi bota ahadutat deg-geftina yirkebuwo-do? |
እዚ ቦታ ኣሃዱታት ደገፍትና ይርከቡዎዶ? |
Are any major roads on this route? |
abzi mesmer 'ab-beyti mengeditat yirikebu-do? |
ኣብዚ መስመር ዓበይቲ መንገድታት ይርከቡዶ? |
Is there a railway near this road? |
nabzi menged-di zitseg-ga' menged-di babur al-lo-do? |
ናብዚ መንገዲ ዝጽጋዕ መንገዲ ባቡር ኣሎዶ? |
Are the railway tracks in use? |
eti menged-di babur yiser-reH diyu? |
እቲ መንገዲ ባቡር ይሰርሕ ድዩ? |
Is there a railway crossing? |
sentiQu ziHal-lef menged-di babur al-lo-do? |
ሰንጢቑ ዝሓልፍ መንገዲ ባቡር ኣሎዶ? |
Are there any busy intersections on this route? |
abzi mesmer-zi tsa'Qi mit-teHelilaf zire-eyo meraKhibotat al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ መስመር'ዚ፡ ጻዕቂ ምትሕልላፍ ዝረአዮ መራኽቦታት ኣሎዶ? |
Does this route experience heavy traffic? |
ezi mesmer tsa'Qi meKhayin yire-eyo-do? |
አዚ መስመር ጸዕቂ መኻይን ይረአዮዶ? |
Does this road have curbs? |
ezi menged-di meder-reti wesen al-lewo-do? |
እዚ መንገዲ፡ መደረቲ ወሰን ኣለዎዶ? |
Are there sidewalks lining the road? |
ma'ri-ma're-zi gwedena ziKheyid mengedi ag-gar al-lo-do? |
ማዕር-ማዕረ'ዚ ጐደና ዝኸይድ መንገዲ ኣጋር ኣሎዶ? |
Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? |
abti gwedena bi-egri miKhad ziwtur diyu? |
ኣብቲ ጐደና፡ ብእግሪ ምኻድ ዝውቱር ድዩ? |
Are there any minefields near this route? |
ab tiQa-zi mesmer netagwi zitezer-o-do yirik-keb? |
ኣብ ጥቓ'ዚ መስመር፡ ነታጒ ዝተዘርኦዶ ይርከብ'ዩ? |
Are there any landmarks near this route? |
ab tiQa-zi mesmer-zi tariKhawyan ti-emertat yirk-kebu-do? |
ኣብ ጥቓ'ዚ መስመር'ዚ፡ ታሪኻውያን ትእምርታት ይርከቡዶ? |
How much weight can the bridge carry? |
eti dildil kesab kendey zi-ak-kel kibdet kitsewir yiKh-el? |
እቲ ድልድል ክሳብ ክንደይ ዝኣክል ክብደት ክጸውር ይኽእል? |
What material is the bridge made of? |
eti dildil bi-mentay ziteserHe ey-yu? |
እቲ ድልድል ብምንታይ ዝተሰርሔ እዩ? |
How wide is the tunnel? |
eti gel-lerya sifHatu kendey ey-yu? |
እቲ ገለርያ ስፍሓቱ ክንደይ እዩ? |
How high is the tunnel? |
eti gel-lerya bir-raKhe-u kendey ey-yu? |
እቲ ገለርያ ብራኼኡ ክንደይ እዩ? |
How long is the tunnel? |
eti gel-lerya newHatu kendey ey-yu? |
እቲ ገለርያ ንውሓቱ ክንደይ እዩ? |
Is there a checkpoint on this road? |
abzi gwedena neQuta fet-tesha-do al-lo? |
ኣብዚ ጐደና፡ ነቚጣ ፍተሻዶ ኣሎ? |
Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? |
abzi menged-di metsabibo mit-tHelilaf al-lo-do? |
ኣብዚ መንገዲ፡መጻብቦ ምትሕልላፍ ኣሎዶ? |
Is a defile being planned on the road? |
abzi menged-di kigb-ber ziHs-seb metsabibo-do al-lo? |
ኣብዚ መንገዲ፡ ክግበር ዝሕሰብ መጻብቦዶ ኣሎ? |
Is the road blocked? |
menged-di 'etsuw diyu? |
መንገዲ ዕጹው ድዩ? |
Does the road get narrow? |
eti menged-di yitsebib-do? |
እቲ መንገዲ ይጸብብዶ? |
Are there overhead obstructions on this route? |
abzi menged-di-zi bila'li zeg-gatimu 'aget-ti al-lewuwo-do? |
ኣብዚ መንገዲ'ዚ ብላዕሊ ዘጋጥሙ ዓገትቲ ኣለውዎዶ? |
What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? |
abzi mesmer bir-raKhe nayti ziHatsere met-teHalalefi kendey yi'Q-Qen? |
ኣብዚ መስመር፡ ብራኼ ናይቲ ዝሓጸረ መተሓላለፊ፡ ክንደይ ይዕቀን? |
Can you cross the river at this location? |
ezi ruba beti bota-ti kisger yik-ke-al-do? |
እዚ ሩባ፡ በቲ ቦታ'ቲ ክስገር ይከኣልዶ? |
How wide is the river at this crossing point? |
abzi mes-segageri netbi, ezi ruba sefhatu kendey ey-yu? |
ኣብዚ መሰጋገሪ ነጥቢ፡ አዚ ሩባ ስፍሓቱ ክንደይ እዩ? |
Can the crossing be used by vehicles? |
bi-mek-kina kisg-ger yik-ke-al-do? |
ብመኪና ክስገር ይከኣልዶ? |
Is this a fast-moving stream? |
ezi wehazi may Hayli al-lewo-do? |
እዚ ወሓዚ ማይ፡ ሓይሊ ኣለዎዶ? |
How fast is the water in this river? |
abzi ruba Hayli nayti may kesab kendey ey-yu? |
ኣብዚ ሩባ፡ ሓይሊ ናይቲ ማይ ክሳብ ክንደይ እዩ? |
How deep is this waterway? |
ezi menged-di may 'emQwetu kesab kendey ey-yu? |
እዚ መንገዲ ማይ፡ ዕምቈቱ ክሳብ ክንደይ እዩ? |
Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? |
ezi wehij abzi Qenyat-zi kisg-ger yike-al-do? |
እዚ ውሕጅ፡ ኣብዚ ቅንያትዚ፡ ክስገር ይከኣልዶ? |
Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? |
ezi ruba abzi Qenyat handebetawi weHij-do yimetso ey-yu? |
እዚ ሩባ፡ ኣብዚ ቅንያት፡ ሃንደበታዊ ውሕጅዶ ይመጾ እዩ? |
Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? |
eti ruba ab weshtu 'ab-beyti denagula yirik-kebuwo-do? |
እቲ ሩባ፡ኣብ ውሽጡ፡ ዓበይቲ ደናጕላ ይርከቡዎዶ? |
Are the riverbanks very steep? |
gemagim-ti ruba az-ziyu tsedaf diyu? |
ገማግም'ቲ ሩባ፡ ኣዝዩ ጸዳፍ ድዩ? |
Are there barriers on the riverbank? |
gemgem-ti ruba mek-kelaKheli al-lewo-do? |
ገምገም'ቲ ሩባ፡ መከላኸሊ ኣለዎዶ? |
Has the roadway eroded? |
eti menged-di tebaHgwigu diyu? |
እቲ መንገዲ ተባሕጒጉ ድዩ? |
Is there any snow on this route? |
ezi mesmer-zi bered yire-ayo-do? |
እዚ መስመር'ዚ በረድ ይረኣዮዶ? |
Is this route covered with ice? |
ezi i mesmer-zi bi-bered zi-teshef-fene diyu? |
እዚ መስመር'ዚ፡ ብበረድ ዝተሽፈነ ድዩ? |
Clear the road. |
neti menged-di tsireguwo. |
ነቲ መንገዲ ጽረጉዎ። |
Mark critical points on the map. |
abti karta zirik-keb aged-dasi neQutatat amelketul-lu. |
ኣብቲ ካርታ ዝርከብ ኣገዳሲ ነቚጣታት ኣመልክቱሉ። |
Show me on the map. |
ab karta ar-eyen-ni. |
ኣብ ካርታ ኣርእየኒ። |