What communicable diseases in the local population pose the greatest risk to visiting foreigners? |
entay 'aynet teHalalafi Hemam-yu ni-wetsa-etenyatat agayish az-ziyu asga-i? |
እንታይ ዓይነት ተሓላላፊ ሕማም'ዩ ንወጻአእተኛታት ኣጋይሽ ኣዝዩ ኣስጋኢ? |
What medical conditions are the most common cause of death in this area? |
abzi kebabi-zi zeyada kal-ot mot zeKhet-tel kwunetat te'n-na entay ey-yu? |
ኣብዚ ከባቢ'ዚ፡ ዝያዳ ካልኦት፡ ሞት ዘኸትል ኵነታት ጥዕና እንታይ እዩ? |
Who is the local physician in this area? |
nayzi bota med-dub Hak-kim men-yu? |
ናይዚ ቦታ ምዱብ ሓኪም መን'ዩ? |
Where is he located and how can I contact him? |
abey-yu bot-u? bi-Khemeyke kireKhbo eKh-el? |
ኣበይ'ዩ ቦትኡ? ብኸመይከ ክረኽቦ እኽእል? |
What parasites exist in local food and water? |
ab megbin mayen nayzi kebabi zirk-kebu nay kersi HasaKhu ay-yenot-yom? |
ኣብ ምግቢን ማይን ናይዚ ከባቢ ዝርከቡ ናይ ከርሲ ሓሳኹ፡ኣየኖት'ዮም? |
What diseases infect newborn children? |
ni-natslatat reKhsi zigebrul-lom Hemamat ay-yenot-yom? |
ንናጽላታት ረኽሲ ዝገብሩሎም ሕማማት ኣየኖት'ዮም? |
What chemical residues or foreign substances exist in the environment and may contribute to illness? |
kebabi zibk-kelu Hemam-wen keKhetlu zi-Khe-elu kemikalawi Hatelataten gidamawyan negeraten entay al-lewu? |
ከባቢ ዝብክሉ፡ ሕማም'ውን ከኸትሉ ዝኽእሉ ከሚካላዊ ሓተላታትን ግዳማውያን ነገራትን እንታይ ኣለው? |
What sexually transmitted diseases are common in the local populace? |
ab teQemato lemudat zi-Khwenu Hemamat gibre-sega ay-yenot-yom? |
ኣብ ተቐማጦ ልሙዳት ዝዀኑ ሕማማት ግብረ-ስጋ ኣየኖት'ዮም? |
What diseases infect local livestock? |
ni-mal nayzi kebabi zetQe'u Hemamat ay-yenot 'aynet ey-yom? |
ንማል ናይዚ ከባቢ ዘጥቅዑ ሕማማት ኣየኖት ዓይነት እዮም? |
What sanitation problems affect the local population? |
niteQemato ezi kebabi le'li kwulu zitenkefom sheg-gir Halewa te'n-na entay ey-yu? |
ንተቐማጦ እዚ ከባቢ፡ልዕሊ ኵሉ ዝትንክፎም ሽግር ሓለዋ-ጥዕና፡ እንታይ እዩ? |