Hello, I am a United States Marine. |
selam, aneh abal marin amerika ey-ye. |
ሰላም፡ ኣነ ኣባል ማሪን ኣመሪካ እየ። |
May peace be upon you. |
selam kwunu. |
ሰላም ኵኑ። |
Please show me your identification. |
wereQet mene-n-netka ar-eyen-ni bej-jaKha. |
ወረቐት-መንነትካ ኣርእየኒ፡ በጃኻ። |
Are there any weapons in your vehicle? |
ab mek-kina beret-do al-lo ey-yu? |
ኣብ መኪና ብረትዶ ኣሎ እዩ? |
Is the weapon for your personal security? |
ezi beret mek-kelaKheli nebsKha diyu? |
እዚ ብረት መከላኸሊ ነብስኻ ድዩ? |
Do you know that driving with a weapon in the vehicle is illegal? |
mes beretka mezew-war kab Heg-gi wetsa-i meKhwanu tefelet-do? |
ምስ ብረትካ ምዝዋር ካብ ሕጊ ወጻኢ ምዃኑ ትፈልጥዶ? |
Please show me your registration. |
sened wanen-net ar-eyen-ni bej-jaKha |
ሰነድ ዋንነት መኪና ኣርእየኒ በጃኻ |
Please proceed slowly through the concertina wire into the search area. |
neti metHaz mesre' teKhet-tilka nab bota teftesh Helef biKhebretka. |
ነቲ መትሓዝ መስርዕ ተኸቲልካ፡ ናብ ቦታ ተፍትሽ ሕለፍ፡ ብኽብረትካ። |
Hello, we are United States Soldiers and will be conducting a search of your vehicle and person. |
selam, neHna wet-tehad-derat amerika ina teftesh mek-kinan seben dem-ma kingeb-ber ina. |
ሰላም፡ንሕና ወተሃደራት ኣመሪካ ኢና፡ ተፍትሽ መኪናን ሰብን ድማ ክንገብር ኢና። |
The goal of our checkpoint is to increase security in the area. |
'elama meQwam neQta teftishna, nayzi kebabi deHnet nimergegats ey-yu. |
ዕላማ ምቛም ነቚጣ-ተፍትሽና፡ ናይዚ ከባቢ ድሕነት ንምርግጋጽ'ዩ። |
Please step out of the vehicle. |
biKhebretka kab mek-kina wetsa-e. |
ብኽብረትካ፡ ካብ መኪና ውጻእ። |
Please open the doors, hood, trunk, and glove compartment. |
biKhebretka ma'tso, meKhden motere, enda aQHut, mester gwanti kwulu kifet-to. |
ብኽብረትካ፡ ማዕጾ፡ መኽደን ሞተረ፡ እንዳ ኣቕሑት፡ መስተር ጓንቲ ኵሉ ክፈቶ። |
Please move to the personal search area. |
biKhebretka nabti ak-kalawi teftish zigeb-bero Helef. |
ብኽብረትካ፡ ናብቲ ኣካላዊ ተፍትሽ ዝግበሮ ሕለፍ። |
The inspection is complete. |
kwelela wed-di-ena ina. |
ኰለላ፡ ወዲእና ኢና። |
Thank you for your cooperation in making your country a safer place. |
ab hagerka deHnet nimengas bi-met-teHebebarka nemesgenek-ka. |
ኣብ ሃገርካ ድሕነት ንምንጋስ ብምትሕብባርካ ነመስግነካ። |