Hello, I am a United States Marine. |
selam, aneh abal marin amerika ey-ye. |
ሰላም፡ ኣነ ኣባል ማሪን ኣመሪካ እየ። |
May peace be upon you. |
selam kwunu. |
ሰላም ኵኑ። |
With whom would you like to meet? |
mes men kitr-raKheb deliKha? |
ምስ መን ክትራኸብ ደሊኻ? |
Do you have an appointment? |
biQwetsera diKha metsi-eka? |
ብቘጸራ ዲኻ መጺእካ? |
What time is your appointment? |
QwetseraKha se'at kendey ey-yu? |
ቈጸራኻ ሰዓት ክንደይ እዩ? |
Please demonstrate using your fingers. |
bej-jaKha bi-atsabe'teKha ared-de-e. |
በጃኻ፡ በጻብዕትኻ ተጠቒምካ ኣረድእ። |
Please wait while I check if he is in the compound. |
halewatu kesab zir-regagets te'ag-gesen-ni. |
ሃለዋቱ ክሳብ ዘረጋግጽ፡ ተዓገሰኒ። |
Do you have information concerning anti-coalition activity? |
beza'ba tegbarat teQawemtena ziw-wehab Habereta-do al-leka ey-yu? |
ብዛዕባ ተግባራት ተቓወምትና ዝወሃብ ሓበሬታዶ ኣለካ እዩ? |
Please wait while I contact Marine investigators. |
mes nay marin mermerti kesab zir-raKheb te'ag-gesen-ni bej-jaKha. |
ምስ ናይ ማሪን መርመርቲ ክሳብ ዝራኸብ፡ ተዓገሰኒ በጃኻ። |
Please check again in a week. |
deHri semun temeliska Hetet. |
ድሕሪ ሰሙን ተመሊስካ ሕተት። |
Before entering the compound, I have to search you. |
Qedmi me-etawka kifteshek-ka al-len-ni. |
ቅድሚ ምእታውካ ክፍትሸካ ኣለኒ። |
Please proceed to the search area. |
nab bota teftish Helef biKhebretka. |
ናብ ቦታ ተፍትሽ ሕለፍ፡ብኽብረትካ። |
I can only search one person at a time. |
bebi-Hade teraH-ye kefet-tish zeKh-el. |
በብ-ሓደ ጥራሕ'የ ክፍትሽ ዝኽእል። |
Please show me your identification. |
wereQet menen-netka ar-eyen-ni biKhebretka. |
ወረቐት-መንነትካ ኣርእየኒ፡ ብኽብረትካ። |
Are you in possession of any weapons? |
beret-do al-lek-ka ey-yu? |
ብረትዶ ኣለካ እዩ? |
If so, I must hold onto your weapon while you are in the compound. |
entelyuk-ka, kesab et-temel-les mesay ketseneHo al-len-ni. |
እንተልዩካ፡ ክሳብ እትምለስ ምሳይ ከጽንሖ ኣለኒ። |
I will return it to you when you leave. |
kitmel-les keleKha kerek-kebek-ka ey-ye. |
ክትምለስ ከለኻ ከረክበካ እየ። |
Please spread your feet shoulder width apart and hold your hands up. |
a-edawka ni-la'li geyreKha a-egarka dem-ma kendi sefHat gwedniKha agaHten-no. |
ኣእዳውካ ንላዕሊ ገይርኻ፡ ኣእጋርካ ድማ ክንዲ ስፍሓት ጐድንኻ ኣጋሕትኖ። |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
sele zite-Hababer-kumna nemesginekum. |
ስለ ዝተሓባበርኩምና ነመስግነኩም። |