We are establishing a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles (a defile). |
hoomeenang kamee sin labaayan makeepoot ha soopaaya kahooneetan loomabaay in sasakatan eeban teendoog |
Huminang kami sin labayan makiput ha supaya kahunitan lumabay in sasakatan iban tindug |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
paheebaloon sin meeleetaaree pooles in trapek toodjo ha hambook beentoong hanka meensan ha labaayan makeepoot |
Pahibalun sin militari pulis in trapik tudju ha hambuuk bintung hangka-minsan ha labayan makiput |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
kaghoonahan in pagmandoo ha labaayan makeepoot ampa tooytooy in paglabaay sin trapek |
Kagunahan in pagmandu ha labayan makiput ampa tuytuy in paglabay sin trapik |
Have you been checked by security? |
bakas kaw nawseehat sin sikyooreetee? |
Bakas kaw nausihat sin sikyuriti? |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
matrapek in ha looghal eenee? |
Matrapik in ha lugal ini? |
Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? |
awun baaghee sin dan eenee istrektoo ha manga nag hoola daayin dee? |
Awun bahagi' sin dan ini istrecto ha manga naghula dayn' di? |
Move in one direction only. |
loomanjal harap pa hambook beentoong sadja |
Lumanjal harap pa hambuuk bintung sadja |
Proceed after military vehicles have passed. |
palabaaya moona in manga sasakatan sin meeleetaaree baghoo loomanjal |
Palabaya muna in manga sasakatan sin militari bagu lumanjal |
Do not bypass the security checkpoint. |
soomabaay loomabaay ha "chekpoynt" |
Sumabay lumabay ha "checkpoint" |
Please follow the signs. |
agharee in manga tanda |
Agari in manga tanda' |