Where and when did you see the unexploded ammunition? |
wayn wo imta sheft iz zaKheereh yal lee moo mitfajra? |
وين وإمتى شفت الزخيرة يللي مو متفجرة؟ |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
sho isim wo 'eeyaar il islaaH? |
شو إسم وعيار السلاح؟ |
What identifying marks were located on the weapon? |
sho heyeh il 'alaamaat il mumayezeh 'ala il islaaH? |
شو هي العلامات المميزة على السلاح؟ |
Who marked the site? |
meen yal lee Hadad hal mawqe'? |
مين يللي حدد هالموقع؟ |