![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where and when did you observe the IED? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
weyn wa-miteyn shufta jihaaz al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
وين و متين شُفت جهازالمتفجرات المرتجلة؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Who emplaced the IED? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
munu ali-waDa' jihaaz al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منو الوضع جهاز المتفجرات المرتجلة؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
How is the IED detonated? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
jihaaz al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila bitfajar keyf? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
جهازالمتفجرات المرتجلة بيتفجر كيف ؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
anwaa' az-zaKheera al-musta'amal fee al-gunbula shinu? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
أنواع الذخيرة المستعمل فى القنبلة شنو؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Is this IED located in a vehicle? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila mawjooda fee 'arabeeya? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
هل المتفجرات المرتجلة موجودة فى عربية؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
weyn SaaHib al-'arabeeya dee? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
وين صاحب العربية دى؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Who made the IED? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
munu ali-'imal al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منو العمل المتفجرات المرتجلة؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where was the IED built? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila tama tarkeebha weyn? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
المتفجرات المرتجلة تم تركبيها وين؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where was the IED stored prior to emplacement? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila kaan maKhzoon weyn gabli az-ziraa'? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
المتفجرات المرتجلة كان مخزون وين قبل الزراع؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Is there a second or "backup" detonator? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
hal fee hinaak mufajir taanee wala musaa'id? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
هل فى هناك مفجر ثاني ولا مساعد ؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
hal fee hinaak aala saanaweeya lee-muhaajama al-mu'aawana wa-inqaaZ 'umaal? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
هل فى هناك آلة ثانويّة لمهاجمة المعاونة وإنقاذ عمال ؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Who is the target of this IED? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
munu al-mustah-dif bee-mutafajiraat al-murtajila daa? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
منو المستهدف بمتفجرات المرتجلة دا ؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What else can you tell me about the IED or the individuals involved? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
shinu mumkin tagul-ley 'an al-mutafajiraat al-murtajila wala afraad al-mushtarikeen? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
شنو ممكن تقول ليّ عن المتفجرات المرتجلة ولا أفراد المشتركين؟ |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |