What groups in this area are threats to US Forces? |
yaatu majmoo'aat fee al-minTaqa dee KhaTar lee-quwaat al-amreekeeya? |
ياتو مجموعات فى المنطقة دى خطر لقوات الامريكية؟ |
Is this shop normally open in the morning? At what times? |
hal ad-dukaan daa Tabee'ee faatiH aS-SabaaH? fee yaatu awqaat? |
هل الدكان دا طبيعى فاتح الصباح؟ فى ياتو اوقات؟ |
Is this shop normally open in the evening? At what times? |
hal ad-dukaan daa Tabee'ee faatiH fee al-masaa? fee yaatu awqaat? |
هل الدكان دا طبعيى فاتح فى المساء؟ فى ياتو اوقات؟ |
Is this vehicle normally located here at this time of day? |
hal mawqi' al-'arabeeya dee Tabee'ee hina fee al-waqt daa binahaar? |
هل موقع العربية دى طبعيى هنا فى الوقت دا بنهار؟ |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
sayid al-'arabeeya dee weyn? |
سيد العربية دى وين؟ |
How far away is this town? |
al-madeena dee ba'eed gadr shinu? |
المدينة دى بعيد قدر شنو؟ |
Where can I find the local (sheik)? |
mumkin alga (sheikh) al-maHalee weyn? |
ممكن ألقى (شيخ) المحلى وين؟ |
Where is the sewer access? |
weyn madKhal al-majaaree? |
وين مدخل المجارى؟ |
Who owns weapons in this area? |
minu al-maalik asliHa fee al-manTiga dee? |
منو المالك اسلحة فى المنطقة دى؟ |
These are secured areas. |
daa manaaTiq muu aamin |
دا مناطق موآمن. |