We are assisting local law enforcement by assessing the criminal activity and security concerns in this area. |
niHna binsaa'id tanfeeZ al-qaanoon al-maHalee bee-tagdeer nashaaT al-jareema wa-humoom al-amn fee al-minTaqa dee |
نحنا بنساعد تنفيذ القانون المحلى بتقدير نشاط الجريمة وهموم الامن فى المنطقة دى. |
Would you be willing to discuss safety concerns you have about (the city of Mayo)? |
hal inta raDiyaan lee-munaaqash humoom al-amaana il-'indak 'an (madeenat maayu)? |
هل انت رضيان لمناقش هموم الامانة العندك عن (مدينة مايو)؟ |
Your name will not be associated with any information you provide. |
ismmak maa Hayikoon murtabiT bee-ayi ma'looma inta bitwafir leyna |
اسمك ما حيكون مرتبط باى معلومة انت بتوفر لينا. |
The information will be used to protect people in the neighborhood, the local police, politicians, and military from groups that wish to cause instability. |
al-ma'loomaat HayustaKhdam fee Himaayat an-naas, Hila, shurTa al-maHaleeya, wa-seeyaasiyeen min majmoo'aat il-'aayiz yisabib 'adam al-istiqraar |
المعلومات حيستخدم في حماية الناس فى حله,شرطة المحلية, و سياسيين من مجموعات العايز يسبب عدم الاستقرار. |
By providing information on (Khartoum) you will help to save lives. |
lama tadeena ma'loomaat 'an (al-KharToom) inta bitsaa'id fee inqaaZ al-Hayaa |
لما تدينا معلومات عن (الخرطوم) انت بتساعد في انقاذ الحياة. |
Have you been asked by any other US personnel to assist in providing information? |
hal fee ayi muwazaf amreekaanee Talab minak moosaa'ada bee-tawfeer al-ma'loomaat? |
هل في اي موظف امريكاني طلب منك مساعدة بتوفير المعلومات؟ |
How long have you lived at (Omdurman)? |
kam fatra sakant fee (um durman)? |
كم فترة سكنت فى (ام درمان)؟ |
What are your feelings about the US presence in the area? |
shu'oorak shinu bee-wujood al-amreekaanee fee al-manTiqa? |
شعورك شنو بوجود الامريكاني فى المنطقة؟ |
Would you be willing to contact me in the future if you observe something suspicious? |
hal 'indak raghba 'ashaan tataSel beeya fee al-mustaqbal lo shuft Haaja mashbooha? |
هل عندك رغبة عشان تتصل بىّ فى المستقبل لوشفت حاجة مشبوه؟ |