Where and when did you observe the IED? |
keyo la kwe bombaay dastkirdat beenee? |
کهی و له کوێ بۆمبای دهستکردت بينی؟ |
Who emplaced the IED? |
ke bombaay dastkirdee daanaaboo? |
کێ بۆمبای دهستکردی دانابوو؟ |
How is the IED detonated? |
chon bombaa dastkirdaka taqeeyawa? |
چۆن بۆمبا دهستکردهکه تهقيهوه؟ |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
che jora taqamanyek bakaar henraa la aameree taqeenawakadaa? |
چ جۆره تهقهمهنيهك بهکار هێنرا له ئامێری تهقينهوهکهدا؟ |
Is this IED located in a vehicle? |
aayaa bombaa dastkirdaka la naaw otombelakadaa boo? |
ئايا بۆمبا دهستکردهکه لهناو ئۆتۆمبێلهکهدا بوو؟ |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
Khaawanee am otombela la kwe ya? |
خاوهنی ئهم ئۆتۆمبێله له کوێ يه؟ |
Who made the IED? |
ke bombaa dastkirdakay droost kird? |
کێ بۆمبا دهستکردهکهی دروست کرد؟ |
Where was the IED built? |
bombaa dastkirdaka la kwe droost kiraaboo? |
بۆمبا دهستکردهکه له کوێ دروست کرابوو؟ |
Where was the IED stored prior to emplacement? |
bombaa dastkirdaka la kwe halgeeraaboo taa kaatee chaandnakey? |
بۆمبا دهستکردهکه له کوێ ههڵگيرابوو تا کاتی چاندنهکهی؟ |
Is there a second or “backup” detonator? |
aayaa taqenarey doowam heya? |
ئايا تهقێنهری دووهم ههيه؟ |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
aayaa aameree taqeenaway doowam heya bo ledaanee dastay yaarmateyo rizgaarkirdanee kaarkaraan? |
ئايا ئامێری تهقينهوهی دووهم ههيه بۆ لێدانی دهستهی يارمهتی و ڕزگارکردنی کارکهران؟ |
Who is the target of this IED? |
am bombaa dastkirda bo ke daanraawa? |
ئهم بۆمبا دهستکرده بۆ کێ دانراوه؟ |
What else can you tell me about the IED or the individuals involved? |
che shtekee tirm datwaanee pe beleyt darbaaray bombaa dastkirdaka yaan kasaanee gomaan lekraaw? |
چ شتێکی ترم دهتوانی پێ بڵێیت دهربارهی بۆمبا دهستکردهکه يان کهسانی گومان لێکراو؟ |