What is the type and name of the vehicle? |
naawo joree otombelaka cheeya? |
ناو و جۆری ئۆتۆمبێلهکه چيه؟ |
What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? |
che jora chakek lasar otombelaka jegeer kiraaboo? |
چ جۆره چهکێك لهسهر ئۆتۆمبێلهکه جێگير کرابوو؟ |
Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? |
keyo la kwe doowaajaar am otombelat beenee? |
کهی و له کوێ دواجار ئهم ئۆتۆمبێلهت بينی؟ |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
la kwe otombelaka halgeeraaboo? |
لهکوێ ئۆتۆمبێلکه ههڵگيرابوو؟ |
Is this vehicle military or civilian? |
aayaa am otombela sarbaazya yaa hee Khalkeeya? |
ئايا ئهم ئۆتۆمبێله سهربازيه يان هی خهڵکيه؟ |
What changes have been made to the vehicle? |
che goraankaaryak basar am otombeladaa haatoboo? |
چ گۆڕانکاريهك بهسهر ئهم ئۆتۆمبێلهدا هاتبوو؟ |
Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? |
aayaa otombelaka taayadaar boo yaan lasar otombel halgeeraaboo? |
ئايا ئۆتۆمبێلهکه تايهدار بوو يان لهسهر ئۆتۆمبێل ههڵگيرابوو؟ |
Does the vehicle have a communications system? |
aayaa otombelaka sistamee paywandeekirdinee heya? |
ئايا ئۆتۆمبێلهکه سيستهمی پهيوهنديکردنی ههيه؟ |
Describe the vehicle to me. |
baasee otombelakam bo bika |
باسی ئۆتۆمبێلهکهم بۆ بکه |
What else can you tell me about this vehicle? |
che shtekee tirm datwaanee pe beley darbaaray am otombela? |
چ شتێکی ترم دهتوانی پێ بڵێی دهربارهی ئهم ئۆتۆمبێله؟ |