We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). |
eyma reyakee tasik daadamazreneen |
ئێمه ڕێیهكی تهسك دادهمهزرێنین |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
poleesee sarbaazee re dakaata yek laa |
پۆلیسی سهربازی ڕێ دهكاته یهك لا |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
kontrolkirdnee reya taskakaan haatoocho musogar dakaat ba kamek dwaakawtin |
كۆنتڕۆڵ كردنی ڕییه تهسكهكان هاتوچۆ مسۆگهر دهكات به كهمێك دواكهوتن |
Have you been checked by security? |
lekoleenawat lagal kraawa lalaayan aasaayeeshawa? |
لێكۆڵینهوهت لهگهڵ كراوه لهلایهن ئاسایشهوه؟ |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
haatoocho lam naawa chara? |
هاتوچۆ لهم ناوه چڕه؟ |
Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? |
aayaa dazaanee am reygaaya qadagheya bo Khalchee am naawa? |
ئایا دهزانی ئهم ڕێگایه قهدهغهیه بۆ خهڵكی ئهم ناوه؟ |
Move in one direction only. |
joola bo yek laaya |
جووله بۆ یهك لایه |
Proceed after military vehicles have passed. |
bro paash teparboonee otombelakaanee sarbaazee |
بڕۆ پاش تێپهڕبوونى ئۆتۆمبێلهکانى سهربازى |
Do not bypass the security checkpoint. |
la Khaalee pshkineen laa mada |
له خاڵی پشكنین لا مهده |
Please follow the signs. |
tikaaya ba dwaay neeshaanakaan bro |
تكایه به دوای نیشانهكان بڕۆ |