We are leading a convoy through this area. |
eyma kaarwaanek bam naawchaya daa dabeyn |
ئێمه كاروانێك بهم ناوچهیه دا دهبهین |
We are responsible for the security of the convoy. |
eyma barpirseen la aasaayeeshee kaarwaanaka |
ئێمه بهرپرسین له ئاسایشی كاروانهكه |
We must conduct safety inspections on all the vehicles. |
dabey pshkineenee salaamatee otombelakaan bikeyn |
دهبێ پشکنينى سهلامهتى ئۆتۆمبێلهکان بکهين |
We must drive the convoy through this intersection. |
dabey kaarwaanaka ba naaw am chawaar reeyaana teparbe |
دهبێ كاروانهكه به ناو ئهم چوار ڕیانه تێپه ڕبێ |
We are escorting the convoy. |
eyma haawreyee kaarwaanaka dakeyn |
ئێمه هاوڕێيى کاروانهکه دهکهين |
We must seek an alternate route. |
dabet bashwen reyakee tirdaa begareyeen |
ده بێت به شوێن ڕێیهكی يهك تردا بگهرێین |
We will use tanks to detonate mines. |
taank ba kaar deyneen bo taqaandnawey meen |
تانك به كار دێنین بۆ تهقاندنهوهی مین |
Snipers may fire on convoys in this area. |
neeshaanchee ranga taqa la kaarwaan bikan lam naawchaya |
نيشانچى ڕهنگه تهقه له کاروان بکهن لهم ناوچهيه |
Unexploded ordnance may be planted in the road. |
ranga chakee nataqaaw la sar reygaa chaandraabe |
ڕهنگه چهكی نهتهقاو له سهر ڕێگا چاندرابێ |
The convoy will continue when the ambush is suppressed. |
kaarwaan bardawaam dabey paash tek shkaandinee kameen |
كاروان بهردهوام دهبێ پاش تێک شکاندنى کهمين |
Is there a bridge to cross the river? |
roobaaraka pirdee la sera bo pareenawa? |
ڕووبارهكه پردی له سهره بۆ پهڕینهوه؟ |
Will this bridge support heavy vehicles? |
am pirda otombelee qoors raadagre? |
ئهم پرده ئۆتۆمبێلی قورس ڕادهگرێ؟ |
Does this road lead through any towns? |
am regaaya ba heech shaarek tepardabey? |
ئهم ڕێگايه بههيچ شارێک تێپهڕدهبێ؟ |
Does this road lead through heavy traffic areas? |
am regaaya ba shwenee qarabaalgh tepar dabey? |
ئهم ڕێگایه به شوێنی قهرهباڵغ تێپهڕ دهبێ؟ |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
yakakaanee dost lam naawchaya han? |
یهكهكانی دۆست لهم ناوچهیه ههن؟ |
Was enemy activity reported in this area? |
heech chaalaakee doozhmin lam naawchaya raaport kraawa? |
هیچ چالاكی دوژمن لهم ناوچهیه راپۆت كراوه؟ |
Are there checkpoints on this road? |
Khalee pshkineen la sar am regaaya heya? |
خاڵی پشكنین له سهر ئهم رێگایه ههیه؟ |
Is there a site to refuel? |
am shwena banzeenKhaanay leya? |
ئهم شوێنه بهنزینخانهی لێیه؟ |
Are there areas to take cover? |
shwenee Kho shaarnaway leya? |
شوێنی خۆشاردنهوهی لێیه؟ |
We need assistance. |
haawkaareemaan peweesta |
هاوكاریمان پێویسته |