We will set up traffic control points (TCPs) in the area. |
eyma Khaalee kontrolee haatoo cho lam naawa daadaneyn |
ئێمه خاڵی كۆنتڕۆلی هاتوچۆ لهم ناوه دادهنێین |
The TCP locations will be decided by the MPs. |
shwenakaanee kontrol poleesee sarbaazee breeyaaree la sar dadaa |
شوێنهكانی كۆنتڕۆڵ پۆلیسی سهربازی بڕیاری لهسهر دهدا |
The TCP personnel will work hard to prevent delays. |
kaarmandee Khaalee kontrol Khoyaan maandoo dakan taa Khalk dwaa nakawet |
کارمهندى خاڵى کۆنترۆڵ خۆيان ماندوو دهکهن تا خهڵک دوا نهکهوێت |
Our TCP team will keep records of passing vehicles and units. |
kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol otombeloo yakakaanee teparboo tomaar dekaat |
كارمهندانی خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ ئۆتۆمبێل و یهكهكانی تێپهڕبوو تۆمار دهكات |
The TCP will apprehend violators. |
kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol sarpecheekaraan dagrey |
كارمهندانی خاڵی کۆنترۆڵ سهرپێچیكهران دهگرێ |
Make sure refugee traffic does not delay military traffic. |
aagaadaar ba haatoochoy aawaarakaan haatoochoy sarbaazee duwaa naKhaat |
ئاگادار به هاتوچۆی ئاوارهكان هاتوچۆی سهربازی دوا نهخات |
The TCP personnel will reroute traffic as needed. |
kaarmandaanee Khaalee kontrol rey haatoocho dagoren ba pey peweest |
كارمهندانی خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ ڕێی هاتوچۆ دهگۆڕن به پێی پێویست |
Our mission is ongoing until further notice. |
kaarakaanmaan bardawaam dabeyt taa aagaadaaryechee tir |
كارهكانمان بهردهوام دهبێت تا ئاگاداریێكی تر |
Food and water will be supplied by other units. |
yakakaanee tir Khoraako aaw daabeen dakan |
یهكهكانی تر خۆراك و ئاو دابین دهكهن |
Nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) detection equipment will be provided. |
aameree dozeenaway chakee atomyo baayolojeeyo keemyaawee daabeen dakrey |
ئامێری دۆزینهوهی چهكی ئهتۆمی و بایۆلۆجی و كیمیاوی دابین دهكرێ |
Reflective arm cuffs will be provided. |
kalapchay dast daabeen dakrey |
كهلهپچهی دهست دابین دهكرێ |
Enemy may use agents acting as refugees. |
jaasosakaanee doozhmin ranga ba shewaazee aawaara kaar bikan |
جاسوسه كانی دوژمن ڕهنگه به شێوازى ئاواره كار بكهن |
Safety is very important during all operations. |
la hamoo chaalaachyekdaa salaamatee zor greenga |
له ههموو چالاكیهكان دا سهلامهتی زۆر گرینگه |
We do not allow unauthorized personnel to observe traffic movement. |
naaheleen kasekee be molat chaawderee haatoocho bikaat |
ناهێڵین كهسێكی بێ مۆڵهت چاودێری هاتوچۆ بكات |
What is the size of the enemy force? |
qabaaray hezee doozhmin chanda? |
قهبارهی هێزی دوژمن چهنده؟ |
Where is the exact location of the enemy? |
shwenee doozhmin la kwe ya? |
شوێنی دوژمن له كوێیه؟ |
When exactly did you see enemy units? |
kay yakakaanee doozhminit deet? |
كهی یهكهكانی دوژمنت دیت؟ |
What types of enemy units did you see? |
joree yakakaanee doozhmin chee boon? |
جۆری یهكهكانی دوژمن چی بوون؟ |
What type of equipment did the enemy units carry? |
yakakaanee doozhmin che jora cha kaykeyaan pey boo? |
یهكهكانی دوژمن چ جۆره چه كێكیان پێ بوو؟ |
Watch for guerilla activities. |
chaawderee chaalaakyakaanee gareelaa bika |
چاودێری چالاكیهكانی گهريلا بکه |
Watch for conventional enemy forces. |
chaawderee koboonaway hezakaanee doozhmin bika |
چاودێری كۆبوونه وهی هێزهكانی دوژمن بكه |
Watch for enemy aircraft. |
chaawderee frokakaanee doozhmin bika |
چاودێری فڕۆكهكانی دوژمن بكه |
Report to us about local inhabitants in the area. |
raaportekmaan darbaaray Khalchee am naawchaya bidarey |
ڕاپۆرتێكمان دهربارهی خهڵكی ئهم ناوچهيه بدهرێ |
Set up signs to show directions and distance to TCPs. |
neeshaanay aaraastakirdino dooree Khaalee kontrol daaney |
نیشانهی ئاراستهكردن و دووری خاڵی كۆنتڕۆڵ دانێ |
Direct refugees to refugee routes. |
aawaarakaan aaraastay rawtee aawaarakaan bika |
ئاوارهكان ئاراستهی ڕهوتی ئاوارهكان بكه |
Search the surrounding area for enemies. |
am dawroobara bepishkna bo doozhmin |
ئهم دهوروبهره بپشكنه بۆ دوژمن |
Park the team's vehicle in a covered and safe position. |
otombelakay teem la shwenechee salaamato daaposhraaw raagra |
ئۆتۆمبێلهكهی تیم له شوێنێكی سهلامهت و داپۆشراو ڕاگره |
Set up communication with other TCP units. |
paywandee la gal Khaalakaanee tree kontrol daa bemazrena |
پهيوهندى له گهڵ خاڵهکانى ترى کۆنترۆڵ دا بمهزرێنه |