What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
hatyaaR keRey kaleebaR eyn kism jaa aahin? |
هٿيار ڪهڙي ڪئليبر ۽ قسم جا آهن؟ |
How large was the rifle? |
Raayfil ketRee digee hwee? |
رائفل ڪيتري ڊگهي هئي؟ |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
chaa Raayfil key dooRbenee lagal aahey? |
ڇا رائفل کي دوربين لڳل آهي؟ |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
chaa hatyaaR jo ko hiso kaatijo tayal ho? |
ڇا هٿيار جو ڪوحصو ڪاٺ جو ٺهيل هو؟ |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded?
How large was the magazine? |
chaa Raayfil jo hiso jo kuley key chwey to, veRey sagbo? |
ڇا ريفل جو حصو، جو ڪلهي کي ڇهي ٿو، ويڙهي سگھبو؟ |
How large was the magazine? |
megzeen ketRee vadee hwee? |
مئگزين ڪيتري وڏي هئي؟ |
Was other equipment added to the weapon? |
chaa byo ko aalo hina hatyaaR saa joRyo vyo ho? |
ڇا ٻيو ڪو آلو هن هٿيار سان جوڙيو ويو هو؟ |
What other equipment was near the weapon? |
byo keRo ozaaR hina hatyaaR jey veyjo ho? |
ٻيو ڪهڙو اوزار هن هٿيار جي ويجهو هو؟ |
What was the size of the pistol? |
pistol jee maap ketRee hwee? |
پسٽول جي ماپ ڪيتري هئي؟ |
Where was the pistol carried? |
pistol kidaa kanyo pey vyo? |
پسٽول ڪيڏانهن کنيو پئي ويو؟ |