![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
koyee yе kaaleebaaR ee vRstaa oRoozhyaa? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Који је калибар и врста оружја? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
How large was the rifle? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
koy? v?leecheen? y? beelaa pooshkaa? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Које величине је била пушка? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
daa lee pooshkaa eemaa neeshaan? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Да ли пушка има нишан? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
daa lee y? beelo koyee d?o oRoozhyaa dRv?n? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Да ли је било који део оружја дрвен? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
mozh? lee s? d?o pooshk?, koyee dodeeRooy? Raam?, saaveetee? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Може ли се део пушке, који додирује раме, савити? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
How large was the magazine? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
koleek? y? v?leecheen? beeo maagaazeen? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Колике је величине био магазин? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Was other equipment added to the weapon? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
daa lee y? opR?maa dodaanaa oRoozhyoo? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Да ли је опрема додана оружју? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What other equipment was near the weapon? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
daa lee y? opR?maa beelaa bleezoo oRoozhyaa? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Да ли је опрема била близу оружја? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
What was the size of the pistol? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
koy? y? v?leecheen? beeo peeshtoly? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Које је величине био пиштољ? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
Where was the pistol carried? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
![Play Button](graphics/play.gif) |
gd? y? beeo nosh?n peeshtoly? |
![](graphics/spacer.gif) |
Где је био ношен пиштољ? |
![](graphics/breakLine.gif) |