What is the type and name of the boat? |
kwaaoo eh oo cheepoo ee nomee deyshchee baaRkoo? |
Qual é o tipo e nome deste barco? |
What weapons are mounted on the boat? |
kee aaRmash eyshtaav/a/ m/o/taadash noo baaRkoo? |
Que armas estavam montadas no barco? |
Does a military or a civilian manufacturer produce the boat? |
o faabreek/a/chee doo baaRkoo eh mileetaaR o seeveeyoo? |
O fabricante do barco é militar ou civil? |
Does this boat belong to the military? |
o baaRkoo peyRt/e/see aaoo eyzehRseetoo? |
O barco pertence ao exército? |
What identifying marks are located on the boat? Weapons? Equipment? |
kee seenaa-ysh jee eed/e/chfeekaas/a/oo t/e/ oo baaRkoo? ash aaRmash? oo eykeepaam/e/too? |
Que sinais de identificação tem o barco? As armas? O equipamento? |