We must identify places where we can receive emergency help. |
hameele yestaa taauharu cheenee raaknu paarchaa jahaa hamee aapat kaaleen sahaayetaa praptaa gaarnaa saakchau |
हामीले यस्ता ठाऊहरू चिन्हिराख्नु पर्छ जहाँहामी आपत्कालीन सहायता प्राप्त गर्न सक्छौ |
Our task is to control route security measures. |
haamro kam margaako surachya oopaaya haru maatee neeyantran gaarnu ho |
हाम्रो काम मार्गको सुरक्षा उपायहरु माथि नियंत्रण गर्नु हो |
We'll classify bridges according to weight limits. |
hamee taul seemaka anusaar pool ko bargeekaran gaaraula |
हामी तौल सीमाका अनुसार पुलको वर्गीकरन गरौला |
We need areas suitable for short halts. |
haameelaay beesram neemeetaa oocheet stanharu chaheencha |
हामीलाई बिश्राम निमित्त उचित स्थानहरु चाहिन्छ |
Where does this road lead to? |
yo batole kaahaa saamaa laagchaa? |
यो बाटोले कहाँ सम्म लग्छ? |
Which towns does this road run through? |
yo sarak kun saahaar baayera jancha? |
यो सड़क कुन शहर भएर जान्छ? |
Is the road paved or unpaved? |
yo sarak dungaa bataa baaneko cha kee chaayno? |
यो सडक (ढुंगा) बाट बनेको छ कि छैन? |
Is there an alternate route? |
ke kunay baaykalpeek sarak cha? |
के कुनै वैकल्पिक सड़क छ? |
Is there a way to bypass this obstacle? |
ke rokaawat bataa neeklane kunay tareeka cha? |
के रोकावट बाट निक्लने कुनै तरीका छ? |
Are there bridges on this route? |
ke yo batoma poolharu chan? |
के यो बाटोमा पुलहरु छन? |
Are there overpasses on this route? |
ke yo batoma over pas haru chan? |
के यो बाटोमा ओभरपासहरु छन? |
Is there construction on this route? |
ke yo batomaa neermar haru hundey chan? |
के यो बाटोमा निर्माणहरु हुँदै छन? |
Are there many potholes in this road? |
ke yo sarakma derey kaalto haru chan? |
के यो सड़कमा धेरै खाल्टोहरु छन? |
How wide is the road? |
yo sarak katee faraakeelo cha? |
यो सड़क कती फराकिलो छ? |
Are there steep hills on this road? |
ke yo sarakma taro veeralo baayekaa daadaa haru chan? |
के यो सड़कमा ठाडो भिरालो भएका डाँडाहरु छन? |
Are there sharp curves on this road? |
ke yo sarakma teebra mod haru chan? |
के यो सड़कमा तीव्र मोड़हरु छन? |
Does this route lead through tunnels? |
ke yo bato tanel vaayeraa jancha? |
के यो बाटो टनेल भएर जान्छ? |
Do you know how to read a map? |
ke tapaaylaay naaksa paarna aauncha? |
के तपाईलाई नक्शा पढ़न आउछ? |
Are there enemy units in this area? |
ke yo chetrama dusmanko yuneet haru chan? |
के यो क्षेत्रमा दुश्मनको यूनिटहरु छन? |
Are there friendly units in this area? |
ke yo chetrama metree purna yuneet haru chan? |
के यो क्षेत्रमा मैत्रीपूर्ण यूनिटहरु छन? |
Are any major roads on this route? |
ke yo batomaa kunay pramuKh sarak haru chan? |
के यो बाटोमा कुनै प्रमुख सड़कहरु छन? |
Is there a railway near this road? |
ke yo sarak ko naajeekmaa kunay relway cha? |
के यो सड़कको नजिकमा कुनै रेलवे छ? |
Are the railway tracks in use? |
ke relway paatree haru prayogma chan? |
के रेलवे पटरिहरु प्रयोगमा छन? |
Is there a railway crossing? |
ke tyahaa relway kraaseeng cha? |
के त्यहाँ रेलवे क्रसिंग छ? |
Are there any busy intersections on this route? |
ke yo margaa maa bestaa chaar dobato haru chan? |
के यो मार्गमा व्यस्त चार दोबाटोहरु छन? |
Does this route experience heavy traffic? |
ke yo margama atedeek yataayaat chan? |
के यो मार्गमा अत्यधिक यातायात छन? |
Does this road have curbs? |
ke yo sarakma mod haru chan? |
के यो सड़कमा मोडहरु छ? |
Are there sidewalks lining the road? |
ke yo sarak saangaa joreeyeko petee cha? |
के यो सड़क संग जोडीएको पेटी छ? |
Is there pedestrian traffic on the road? |
ke yo sarakma paaydaale awaagaman cha? |
के यो सड़कमा पैदले आवागमन छ? |
Are there any minefields near this route? |
ke yo sarak naajeek kunay kaanee chetra cha? |
के यो सड़क नजिक कुनै खानीक्षेत्र छ? |
Are there any landmarks near this route? |
ke yo batoko naajeekmaa kunay neeshaanee haru cha? |
के यो बाटोको नजिकमा कुनै निशानीहरु छ? |
How much weight can the bridge carry? |
yo pool le katee vaar leenaa saakcha? |
यो पुलले कती भार लिन सक्छ? |
What material is the bridge made of? |
yo pool kaastaa saamgree haru dwaaraa baaneko cha? |
यो पुल कस्ता सामग्रीहरु द्बारा बनेको छ? |
How wide is the tunnel? |
taanelko choraaee kaatee cha? |
टनेलको चौडाई कती छ? |
How high is the tunnel? |
taanelko oochaaee kaatee cha? |
टनेलको उचाई कती छ? |
How long is the tunnel? |
taanelko lambaaee kaatee cha? |
टनेल को लम्बाई कती छ? |
Is there a checkpoint on this road? |
ke yo sarakma chek poynt cha? |
के यो सडकमा चेक पोइन्ट छ? |
Is there a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles) on this road? |
ke yo sarakma sankeenraa margaa cha? |
के यो सडकमा संकीर्ण मार्ग छ? |
Is a defile being planned on the road? |
ke yo sarakma sankeenraa margaako yojana baandaay cha? |
के यो सडकमा संकीर्ण मार्गको योजना बन्दै छ? |
Is the road blocked? |
ke yo sarakma rokaawat cha? |
के यो सड़कमा रोकावट छ? |
Is the road flooded? |
ke yo sarakma baadee aeko cha? |
के यो सड़कमा बाढी आएको छ? |
Is the road clear? |
ke yo sarakma koolasa cha? |
के यो सड़कमा खुलासा छ? |
What is blocking the road? |
ke le sarakma rokaawat gaareko cha? |
के ले सड़कमा रोकावट गरेको छ? |
Does this road get flooded often? |
ke yo sarakma aaksar baadee aauncha? |
के यो सड़कमा अक्सर बाढ़ी आउछ? |
Are there checkpoints on the road? |
ke sarakma chek poynt haru chaan? |
के सड़कमा चेक पोइन्टहरु छन? |
Does the road get narrow? |
ke sarak saanguro hundey jancha? |
के सडक साँगुरो हुँदै जान्छ? |
Are there overhead obstructions on this route? |
ke yo batoma masteeraa bataa baadaa haru chan? |
के यो बाटोमा मास्तिर बाट बाधाहरु छन? |
What is the lowest overhead clearance on this route? |
yo batoma masteeraako sob banda hocho neekaashee kun cha? |
यो बाटोमा मास्तिरको सब भन्दा होचो निकासी कुन छ? |
Can you cross the river at this location? |
ke yo staanma tapaay naadee paree janaa saaknu huncha? |
के यो स्थानमा तपाई नदी पारि जान सक्नु हुन्छ? |
How wide is the river at this crossing point? |
yo paaree jaane taauma naadee kaatee chauda cha? |
यो पारि जाने ठाउमा नदी कति चौडा छ? |
Can the crossing be used by vehicles? |
ke paaree jaanalaay baahan prayog gaarnaa meelcha? |
के पारि जानलाई वाहन प्रयोग गर्न मिल्छ? |
Is this a fast-moving stream? |
ke yo tejee saangaa baagne kola ho? |
के यो तेजी संग बग्ने खोला हो? |
How fast is the water in this river? |
yo naadeeko paaneeko gaatee kaatee teebraa cha? |
यो नदीको पानिको गति कति तीव्र छ? |
How deep is this waterway? |
yo jaalmargaa kaatee gaheero cha? |
यो जलमार्ग कति गहिरो छ? |
Can the stream be crossed during this time of year? |
baarsoko yo belama ke kola par gaarnaa saakeencha? |
बर्षको यो बेलामा के खोला पार गर्न सकिन्छ? |
Does this river flood suddenly during this time of year? |
ke baarsako yo belama naadeema ekkaashee baadee aauncha? |
के बर्षको यो बेलामा नदीमा एक्कासि बाढी आउछ? |
Are there a lot of large rocks in the riverbed? |
ke naadeeko taala toolaa dungaa haru tooprey chan? |
के नदीको तल ठुला ढुंगाहरु थुप्रै छन? |
Are the riverbanks very steep? |
ke nadeekaa keenaaraa haru deerey veeralo paareka chan? |
के नदीका किनाराहरु धेरै भिरालो परेका छन? |
Are there barriers on the riverbank? |
ke naadeekaa keenaaraa harumaa ad haru chan? |
के नदीका किनाराहरुमा आडहरु छन? |
Has the roadway eroded? |
ke sarak geesheko cha? |
के सडक घिसेको छ? |