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Play Button Where and when did you observe the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button feen ooweqtaash sheftee ilmutafajiRaat? فين اووقتاش شفت المتفجرات؟
Play Button Who emplaced the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button shkoon ilee HaT ilmutafajiRaat? شكون اللي حطّ المتفجرات؟
Play Button How is the improvised explosive device (IED) detonated? Play Button keefaash tatfeRge' ilmutafajiRaat? كيفاش تتفرقع المتفجرات؟
Play Button What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? Play Button shnoo noo' dyaal dKheeRa ilee tatesteKhdem fhaad lmutafajiRaat? شنوالنوع ديال الدخيرة اللي تتستخدم فهاد المتفجرات؟
Play Button Is this improvised explosive device (IED) located in a vehicle? Play Button waash haad ilmutafajiRaat kaayna feTonobeel? واش هاد المتفجرات كاينة فالطونوبيل؟
Play Button Where is the owner of this vehicle? Play Button shkoonaahuwa mool haad Tonobeel? شكوناهو مولا هاد الطونوبيل؟
Play Button Who made the improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button shkoon ilee Saayeb ilmutafajiRaat? شكون اللي صايب المتفجرات؟
Play Button Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) built? Play Button feen tSaaybet ilmutafajiRaat? فين تصايبات المتفجرات؟
Play Button Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) stored prior to emplacement? Play Button feen kaanet ilmutafajiRaat mKhabya qbel matHaT? فين كانت المتفجرات مخبية قبل ماتحط؟
Play Button Is there a second or backup detonator? Play Button waash kaayin shee jihaaz tafjeeR iDaafee wla HtiyaaTee? واش كاين شي جهاز تفجير اضافي ولا احتياطي؟
Play Button Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? Play Button waash kaayin shee mutafajiRaat KhoRa ilee yimkin teste'mel Ded Rijaal il-inqaad wel-is'aaf? واش كاين شي متفجرات اخرى اللي يمكن تستعمل ضد رجال الانقاد والاسعاف؟
Play Button Who is the target of this improvised explosive device (IED)? Play Button haad ilmutafajiRaat tatestehdef shkoon? هاد المتفجرات تتستهدف شكون؟
Play Button What else can you tell me about the improvised explosive device (IED) or the individuals involved? Play Button shnoo aaKhuR yimkin leek tgool liya 'la haad ilmutafajiRaat we'la naas ilee metwaRTeen fhaad linfijaaRaat? شنو آخر يمكن لك تقول لي على هاد المتفجرات وعلى الناس اللي متورطين فهاد الانفجارات؟
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