Where and when did you observe the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
feen ooweqtaash sheftee ilmutafajiRaat? |
فين اووقتاش شفت المتفجرات؟ |
Who emplaced the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
shkoon ilee HaT ilmutafajiRaat? |
شكون اللي حطّ المتفجرات؟ |
How is the improvised explosive device (IED) detonated? |
keefaash tatfeRge' ilmutafajiRaat? |
كيفاش تتفرقع المتفجرات؟ |
What types of ammunition are used in the explosive device? |
shnoo noo' dyaal dKheeRa ilee tatesteKhdem fhaad lmutafajiRaat? |
شنوالنوع ديال الدخيرة اللي تتستخدم فهاد المتفجرات؟ |
Is this improvised explosive device (IED) located in a vehicle? |
waash haad ilmutafajiRaat kaayna feTonobeel? |
واش هاد المتفجرات كاينة فالطونوبيل؟ |
Where is the owner of this vehicle? |
shkoonaahuwa mool haad Tonobeel? |
شكوناهو مولا هاد الطونوبيل؟ |
Who made the improvised explosive device (IED)? |
shkoon ilee Saayeb ilmutafajiRaat? |
شكون اللي صايب المتفجرات؟ |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) built? |
feen tSaaybet ilmutafajiRaat? |
فين تصايبات المتفجرات؟ |
Where was the improvised explosive device (IED) stored prior to emplacement? |
feen kaanet ilmutafajiRaat mKhabya qbel matHaT? |
فين كانت المتفجرات مخبية قبل ماتحط؟ |
Is there a second or backup detonator? |
waash kaayin shee jihaaz tafjeeR iDaafee wla HtiyaaTee? |
واش كاين شي جهاز تفجير اضافي ولا احتياطي؟ |
Is there a secondary device to attack aid and rescue workers? |
waash kaayin shee mutafajiRaat KhoRa ilee yimkin teste'mel Ded Rijaal il-inqaad wel-is'aaf? |
واش كاين شي متفجرات اخرى اللي يمكن تستعمل ضد رجال الانقاد والاسعاف؟ |
Who is the target of this improvised explosive device (IED)? |
haad ilmutafajiRaat tatestehdef shkoon? |
هاد المتفجرات تتستهدف شكون؟ |
What else can you tell me about the improvised explosive device (IED) or the individuals involved? |
shnoo aaKhuR yimkin leek tgool liya 'la haad ilmutafajiRaat we'la naas ilee metwaRTeen fhaad linfijaaRaat? |
شنو آخر يمكن لك تقول لي على هاد المتفجرات وعلى الناس اللي متورطين فهاد الانفجارات؟ |