What area in ___ has a high crime rate? |
dzai ___ shenme difang fandzuilu gao? |
在 ___ 什么地方犯罪率高? |
What area in ___ would you feel uncomfortable entering with your family? |
dzai ___ shenme difang ni juede he jialiren Chu bu fangShin? |
在 ___ 什么地方你觉得和家里人去不放心? |
What areas of ___ are considered unsafe for Americans to enter? Why? |
___ shenme difang meiguoren jinru bu anChuan? Weishenme? |
___ 什么地方美国人进入不安全?为什么? |
What organized crime elements exist in ___? |
dzai ___ tsundzai you JuJi de fandzui fendzi? |
在 ___ 存在什么有组织的犯罪分子? |
What are the most common criminal acts committed in ___? |
dzai ___ dzui changjian de fandzui Shingwei shi shenme? |
在 ___ 最常见的犯罪行为是什么? |
What illegal substances are available in this area? |
Jege difang you shenme feifa dupin? |
这个地方有什么非法毒品? |
How are the drugs transported into this area? |
dupin shi ruhe yunjin Jege difang de? |
毒品是如何运进这个地方的? |
Who controls the sale of these drugs? |
shui kongJi dupin de Shiaoshou? |
谁控制毒品的销售? |
Is local law enforcement capable of dealing with the current criminal threat? |
dangdi Jifa jiguan you nengli duifu Shiantsun de fandzui huodong ma? |
当地执法机关有能力对付现存的犯罪活动吗? |
If not, what specific areas is local law enforcement unable to control? |
foudze, dangdi Jifa jiguan juti dzai naShie fangmian buneng kongJi fandzui huodong? |
否则,当地执法机关具体在那些方面不能控制犯罪活动? |