Warning, United States Soldiers will be conducting a search of the area! |
Juyi, meiguo shibing jeeangyaw dzay Jege deeChuye soucha! |
注意,美国士兵将要在这个地区搜查! |
We are looking for individuals who are planning attacks against ___ and coalition forces. |
women dzai Jao jihua gongji ___ he mengjun de ren. |
我们在找计划攻击 ___ 和盟军的人。 |
We are looking for weapons that are being used to hurt ___ and coalition forces. Please prepare your home for inspection! |
women dzai Jao yonglai weihai ___ he mengjun de wuChi. Ching Junbey haw nee jeea, jieshou jiancha. |
我们在找用来危害 ___ 和盟军的武器。请准备好你家,接受搜查。 |
We are here to help the Chinese people. |
women lai Jer bangJu Jongguo renming. |
我们来这儿帮助中国人民。 |
Please be advised that soldiers will not hesitate in defending themselves if threatened. |
Ching Juyi shibingnmen shoudao weiShie shi jiang hui haobuyouyu de dziwei. |
请注意士兵们受到威胁时将会毫不犹豫地自卫。 |
We greatly appreciate your cooperation. |
women feichang ganShie nimen de hedzuo. |
我们非常感谢你们的合作。 |
Please open your doors. |
Ching dakai nimen de men. |
请打开你们的门。 |
Remain outside in your yard until the search is complete. |
dai dzai yuandzi li deng soucha wanbi. |
呆在院子里等搜查完毕。 |
When the soldiers arrive at your house, the homeowner can walk them through the search. |
shibingmen dao nimen de fangdzi shi, fangJu keyi daiJe tamen soucha. |
士兵们到你们的房子时,房主可以带着他们搜查。 |
We are not here to harm anyone. |
women lai Jer bushi shanghai ren de. |
我们来这儿不是伤害人的。 |
Our goal is to increase security in the area. |
women de mubiao shi jiaChiang Jege diChu de anChuan. |
我们的目标是加强这个地区的安全。 |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
ShieShie ni de hedzuo. |
谢谢你的合作。 |
You are permitted to have a weapon to defend your home. |
yunShu ni yongyou wuChi baowei jiayuan. |
允许你拥有武器保卫家园。 |
The soldiers will not seize weapons used for home security if the homeowner identifies them to us before we find them. |
ruguo fangJu dzai women Jaodao wuChi JiChian gaosu women, shibingmen buhui meishou yonglay dzwoe jiating baw-ann de wuChi. |
如果房主在我们找到武器之前告诉我们,士兵们就不会没收用来作家庭保安的武器。 |
If the soldiers find unauthorized weapons in the house or yard the homeowner will be apprehended. |
ruguo shibingmen dzai fangdzi huo yuandzi li faShian weijing Shuke de wuChi, fangJu jiu hui bei daibu. |
如果士兵们在房子或院子里发现未经许可的武器,房主就会被逮捕。 |