Hello, I am a United States Marine. |
hai, wo shi meiguo haijun luJandwey dweyyuan. |
嗨,我是美国海军陆战队队员。 |
May peace be upon you. |
Juyuan heping yu ni tongdzai. |
祝愿和平与你同在。 |
Please show me your identification. |
Ching rang wo kan ni de shenfenJeng. |
请让我看你的身份证。 |
Are there any weapons in your vehicle? |
ni de cheshang you wuChi ma? |
你的车上有武器吗? |
Is the weapon for your personal security? |
wuchee shi way nee dzeeshen anChuan ma? |
武器是为你自身安全吗? |
Do you know that driving with a weapon in the vehicle is illegal? |
ni Jidao kaiche shi cheshang you wuChi shi feifa de ma? |
你知道开车时车上有武器是非法的吗? |
Please show me your registration. |
Ching rang wo kan ni de cheliang Jutseka. |
请让我看你的车辆注册卡。 |
Please proceed slowly through the concertina wire into the search area. |
Ching manman de tongguo shefuShing tiesiwang jinru jeeyanchaChu. |
请慢慢地通过蛇腹形铁丝网进入检查区。 |
Hello, we are United States Soldiers and will be conducting a search of your vehicle and person. |
hai, women shi meiguo shibing. Women yao jiancha nimen de che he ren. |
嗨,我们是美国士兵。我们要检查你们的车和人。 |
The goal of our checkpoint is to increase security in the area. |
women jianchaJan de mubiao shi jiaChiang Jege diChu de anChuan. |
我们检查站的目标是加强这个地区的安全。 |
Please step out of the vehicle. |
Ching tsong cheshang Sheeyalay. |
请从车上下来。 |
Please open the doors, hood, trunk, and glove compartment. |
Ching dakai chemen, Chiangai, houcheShiang he shoutaoShiang. |
请打开车门、前盖、后车箱和手套箱。 |
Please move to the personal search area. |
Ching dao renyuan jeeyanchachu. |
请到人员搜查处。 |
The inspection is complete. |
soucha wanbi. |
搜查完毕。 |
Thank you for your cooperation in making your country a safer place. |
ShieShie nimen de hedzuo, ta shi nimen de guojia geng anChuan. |
谢谢你们的合作,它使你们的国家更安全。 |