Are there problems with ammunition for the weapons? |
makambo mazalee matalee masaasee po na beeboondelee? |
Makambo mazali matali masasi mpo na bibundeli? |
Who buys the ammunition? |
nanee asombee masaasee? |
Nani asombi masasi? |
Where is the ammunition stored? |
masaasee mazalee ya kobombama wapee? |
Masasi mazali ya kobombama wapi? |
Where is the ammunition bought? |
masaasee masombamakee wapee? |
Masasi masombamaki wapi? |
How much ammunition is available for each weapon system? |
masaasee bonee ekokoka po na ndenge ya eboondelee neeyonso? |
Masasi boni ekokoka mpo na ndenge ya ebundeli nyonso? |