Are there problems with ammunition for the weapons? |
fee mashaakil fee daKheerit il-asleeHa? |
فيه مشاكل في ذخيرة الأسلحه؟ |
Who buys the ammunition? |
shkoon yishree fee id-daKheera? |
سكون يشري في الذخيره؟ |
Where is the ammunition stored? |
weyn id-daKheera imKhazna? |
وين الذخيره مخزنه؟ |
Where is the ammunition bought? |
imneyn id-daKheera mishreeya? |
امنين الذخيره مشريه؟ |
How much ammunition is available for each weapon system? |
gidaash daKheera mitwafra lee-kul manDoomit seelaaH? |
قداش ذخيره متوفره لكل منظومة سلاح؟ |