What is the condition of the weapon? |
shinu Haalit is-seelaaH? |
شنو حالة السلاح؟ |
Why is the weapon in this condition? |
'alaash is-seelaaH fee il-Haala haadee? |
علاش السلاح في الحاله هذي؟ |
Who maintains the weapons? |
shkoon yeenaDif fee is-slaaH? |
شكون ينظف في السلاح؟ |
How do you get replacement parts and weapons? |
keef tit-HaSil 'aley qiTa' il-gheeyaar wal-asleeHa? |
كيف تتحصل علي قطع الغيار والأسلحه؟ |
Where are the weapons stored? |
weyn il-asleeHa imKhazna? |
وين الأسلحه مخزنه؟ |