Where and when did you observe the missile? |
weyn oo-aamta laaHaDt haada iS-SaarooKh? |
وين وامتى لاحظت هذا الصاروخ؟ |
What is the name and caliber of the weapon? |
shin isim wa-'eeyaar is-seelaaH? |
شن اسم وعيار السلاح؟ |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
shin il-'alaamaat il-mumayiza ilee 'aley is-seelaaH? |
شن العلامات المميزه اللي على السلاح؟ |
What types of sights were mounted on the weapon? |
shin anwaa' in-nawaaDeer li-mrakba 'aley is-seelaaH? |
شن أنواع النواظير المركبه علي السلاح؟ |
Was the weapon wire-guided? |
hal is-slaaH mwajah bis-silik? |
هل السلاح موجه يالسلك؟ |