What is the type and name of the vehicle? |
shin no' oo-isim il-aaleeya? |
شن نوع واسم الآليه؟ |
What types of weapons were mounted on the vehicle? |
shin no' il-asleeHa ilee kaanit maHTooTa 'aley il-aaleeya? |
شن نوع الأسلحه اللي كانت محطوطه على الآليه؟ |
Where and when did you last observe this vehicle? |
weyn oo-aamta aaKher mara shuft il-aaleeya haadee? |
وين وامتى آخر مره شفت الآليه هذي؟ |
Where is the vehicle stored? |
weyn il-aaleeya mKhazna? |
وين الآليه مخزنه؟ |
Is this vehicle military or civilian? |
haadee il-aaleeya 'askareeya aw madaneeya? |
هذي الآليه عسكريه او مدنيه؟ |
What changes have been made to the vehicle? |
shin it-taghyeeraat ilee indaarit 'aley haadee il-aaleeya? |
شن التغييرات اللي اندارت علي هذي الآليه؟ |
Is the vehicle wheeled or tracked? |
hal il-aaleeya 'aleyhaa 'ijlaat aw imjanzara? |
هل الآليه عليها عجلات او مجنزره؟ |
Does the vehicle have a communications system? |
hal il-aaleeya feeha jeehaaz iteeSaalaat? |
هل الآليه فيها جهاز اتصالات؟ |
Describe the vehicle to me. |
ooSuflee il-aaleeya |
اوصفلي الآليه |
What else can you tell me about this vehicle? |
shin taanee tigdir itgool-lee 'aley haadee il-aaleeya? |
شن تاني تقدر اتقولي علي هذي الآليه؟ |