What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
shin 'eeyaar oo-no' is-seelaaH? |
شن عيار ونوع السلاح؟ |
How large was the rifle? |
gidaash kubur il-bunduqeeya? |
قداش كبر البندقيه؟ |
Did the rifle have a scope? |
fee munDaar 'al-bunduqeeya? |
فيه منظار عالبندقيه؟ |
Was any part of the weapon made of wood? |
is-seelaaH fee ay qisim maSnoo' min il-Khasheb? |
السلاح فيه أي قسم مصنوع من الخشب؟ |
Could the part of the rifle, which touches the shoulder, be folded? |
hal aKhmaS il-bunduqeeya yanTawee? |
هل أخمص البندقيه ينطوي؟ |
How large was the magazine? |
gidaash kubur il-maKhzin? |
قداش كبر المخزن؟ |
Was other equipment added to the weapon? |
hal fee mu'idaat mooDaafa lis-slaaH? |
هل فيه معدات مضافة للسلاح؟ |
What other equipment was near the weapon? |
shin heeya il-mu'idaat it-taaniya ilee kaanit greeba min is-slaaH? |
شن هي المعدات إللي الثانيه كانت اقريبه من السلاح؟ |
What was the size of the pistol? |
gidaash Hajm il-musadis? |
قداش حجم المسدس؟ |
Where was the pistol carried? |
weyn kaan il-musadis maHmool? |
وين كان المسدس محمول؟ |