Warning, United States Soldiers will be conducting a search of the area! |
taHdeer, ij-junood il-amreekeeyeen beedeeroo tafteesh lil-manTiqa! |
تحذير، الجنود الامركيين بيديروا تفتيش للمنطقه! |
We are looking for individuals who are planning attacks against ___ and coalition forces. |
Hney ndawir 'aley ashKhaaS yiKhaTiToo lee-hujoomaat DuD ___ wa-qoowaat it-taHaaluf |
احني ندور على اشخاص يخططوا لهجومات ضد ___ وقوات التحالف |
We are looking for weapons that are being used to hurt ___ and coalition forces. Please prepare your home for inspection! |
Hney ndawir 'aley asleeHa tustaKhdam lee-Darar ___ wa-qoowaat it-taHaaluf. min faDlik, jahiz beytik lit-tafteesh! |
نحن اندور على اسلحه تستخدم لضرر ___ وقوات التحالف. من فضلك، جهز بيتك للتفتيش! |
We are here to help the Libyan people. |
Hney eh-ney lee-musaa'adit il-leebeeyeen |
احني هني لمساعدة الليبيين |
Please be advised that soldiers will not hesitate in defending themselves if threatened. |
min faDlik yikoon ma'loom inu ij-junood maa byitradidoosh fee id-deefaa' 'an anfus-hum law kaanoo muhadadeen |
من فضلك يكون معلوم ان الجنود ما بيترددوش في الدفاع عن انفسهم لو كانوا مهددين |
We greatly appreciate your cooperation. |
Hney inqadir halba ta'aawunik |
احني نقدر هلبه تعاونك |
Please open your doors. |
min faDlik aftaH beebaanik |
من فضلك افتح بيبانك |
Remain outside in your yard until the search is complete. |
ug'ud bara fee ij-jeenaan imtaa'ik Hata ytim it-tafteesh |
اقعد بره في الجنان امتاعك حتى يتم التفتيش |
When the soldiers arrive at your house, the homeowner can walk them through the search. |
amtaa yooSloo ij-junood ila Hoshik SaaHib il-beyt yigdir yaSTaHib-hum atnaa it-tafteesh |
امتا يوصلو الجنود الى حوشك صاحب البيت يقدر يصطحبهم اثناء التفتيش |
We are not here to harm anyone. |
Hney eh-ney maa niboosh niDuroo ay waaHid |
احني هني ما نبوش نضروا اي واحد |
Our goal is to increase security in the area. |
hadifnaa zeeyaadit il-amin fee al-manTiqa |
هدفنا زيادة الامن في المنطقه |
Thank you for your cooperation. |
shookran 'aley ta'aawunik |
شكرا على تعاونك |
You are permitted to have a weapon to defend your home. |
inta muraKhaS lee-Haml is-seelaaH lid-deefaa' 'an beytik |
انت مرخص لحمل السلاح للدفاع عن بيتك |
The soldiers will not seize weapons used for home security if the homeowner identifies them to us before we find them. |
ij-junood maa beestawloosh 'aley ay asleeHa mustaKhdima lee-amin il-beyt law SaaHib il-beyt waraahumilnaa gabil maa nilgaahum |
الجنود ما بيستولوش على اي اسلحه مستخدمه لامن البيت لو صاحب البيت ورّاهملنا قبل ما نلقاهم |
If the soldiers find unauthorized weapons in the house or yard the homeowner will be apprehended. |
law ij-junood ilgoo asleeHa gheyr muraKhaSa fee il-beyt aw ij-janaan SaaHib il-beyt bee'ateqloo |
لو الجنود لقوا اسلحه غير مرخصه في البيت او الجنان صاحب البيت بيعتقلوه |