What is the caliber and type of the weapon? |
che jore chakee ya o che ayaara? |
چ جوری چهکی یه و چ عیاره؟ |
Is this a direct fire weapon like a rifle or bazooka? |
rameeyaa eksar l oowa haata kirne wak rameeya tifange bee yaan romaanaa bee? |
ڕهمیا ئێکسهر ل وه هاته کرنێ وه ک رهمیا تڤه نگێ بی یان ڕۆمانا بی؟ |
Is this an indirect fire weapon like a mortar or cannon? |
rameeyaa e-ksar el wa haata kirn yaa haawnaa yaan topaa bee? |
ڕهمیا ئێکسهر ل وه هاته کرن یا هاونا یان توپا بی؟ |
Was the weapon mounted on a tripod? |
aw chaka hilgirtee bee yaan el sar se peeyaa bee? |
ئهو چهکه هلگرتی بی یان ل سهر سێ پیا بی؟ |
How many personnel operated this specific weapon? |
chand kas vee chake taaybayt breva dibin? |
چهند کهس ڤی چهکێ تایبهت برێڤه دبن؟ |
Where and when did you see this weapon? |
kangee o el keeva ta av chaka deet? |
کهنگی و ل کیڤه ته ئهڤ چهکه دیت؟ |
What was the approximate size of the projectile? |
nezeektireen qawaaraa leeleeyaa wee chakee chand bee? |
نێزیکترین قهوارا لیلیا وی چهکی چهند بی؟ |
Has the weapon been modified in any way? |
aw chaka haatbee gohoreen? |
ئهو چهکه هاتبی گوهوڕین؟ |
How effective was the crew operating the weapon? (accuracy / training) |
aw kaset chak eb reeva dbrn sharazaa been? |
ئهو کهسێت چهک ب ڕیڤه دبرن شههرهزا بین؟ |
Was the crew accurate? |
teep plvaan been? |
تیپ پلڤان بین؟ |
How was the crew trained? |
teep chawaa mashqdaaree? |
تیپ چهوا مهشقداربی؟ |
What identifying marks were on the weapon? |
chakee che neeshaanet deeyaar habeen? |
چهکی چ نیشانێت دیار ههبین؟ |
How fast did this weapon fire? How many rounds (bullets) per minute?
How many rounds (bullets) per minute? |
av cha ka chanc Kheraaya? chand golaa el Kholakedaa dhaavezht? |
ئهڤ چهکه چهند خێرایه؟ چهند گولـلـه ل خولهکهکێدا دهاڤێژت؟ |
Did the gun crew have a radio or binoculars? |
teepaa chakdaar betel yaan dorbeena habeen? |
تیپا چهکدار بێتێل یان دوربینه ههبین؟ |
What else can you tell me about this weapon system? |
che tishte dee to dishe bezhee man darbaaree sistame vee chakee? |
چ تشتێ دی تو دشی بێژی من دهربارهی سیستهمێ ڤی چهکی؟ |