We are establishing a defile (a narrow passage that constricts the movement of troops and vehicles). |
eel lyol jongdero gal soo een neun jobeun keereul mandeul koseeda |
일렬 종대로 갈 수 있는 좁은 길을 만들 것이다. |
The MP will allow traffic to move in only one direction at a time through the defile. |
heonbyongeun jobeun keereseo eelbangtong hengeuroman chaga oomjeegee dorok heogahal koseeda |
헌병은 좁은 길에서 일방통행으로만 차가 움직이도록 허가할 것이다. |
Controls at defiles ensure that traffic moves with little delay. |
eelbang tongheng keereseo kyotongee chogeum jeeyondoeneun geoseul tongjeheya handa |
일방 통행 길에서 교통이 조금 지연되는 것을 통제해야 한다. |
Have you been checked by security? |
powanbyong egey keomsa badeun jaagee een neunga? |
보안병에게 검사 받은 적이 있는가? |
Is there heavy traffic in this area? |
ee jeeyogey kyotongee chajoo makhee neunga? |
이 지역에 교통이 자주 막히는가? |
Do you know that this road is off limits to local residents? |
ee toroga jeeyokjoomin egeneun jehangooyogin geoseul aneunga? |
이 도로가 지역주민에게는 제한구역인 것을 아는가? |
Move in one direction only. |
han tchogeuroman oomjeegyora |
한 쪽으로만 움직여라. |
Proceed after military vehicles have passed. |
koonyong charyangee jeenagan huwey karaa |
군용차량이 지나간 후에 가라. |
Do not bypass the security checkpoint. |
gyongbee chosoreul oohoehajee mara |
경비 초소를 우회하지 마라. |
Please follow the signs. |
pyojeereul taara kara |
표지를 따라 가라. |